Thursday, August 4, 2011

The First Language

What was the first spoken language in the world? Have you ever thought about it? I think it was Hebrew. Here's why:

What language did God use to communicate with Moses when he was given "The Ten Commandments"? That language was carved into stone by God's finger and the records of that incident remains with us today. That language was Hebrew. Exodus 34:1

After creation, there was only one language in existence on earth. It was used in creating the Tower of Babel and was so powerful that God had to stop its sole use and divided the languages on the earth. Genesis 11:1,6,7 What language was this?

Could it be the same language God used in speaking the heaven and earth into existence? Genesis 1:1-3 (The phrase "God said" is repeated 12 times in Genesis chapters 1 & 2.) John writes in John 1:1 that Jesus was the Word of God that created the heaven and earth. Hebrews 1:1,2; Colossians 1:16,17 In His earthly life, Jesus spoke Hebrew. Was that the language He used to create the worlds, too?

Was that the same language He used in communing with Adam in the Garden? Genesis 3:8,9. And was it the same language Adam and his family spoke when cast out of the Garden? Genesis 4:1,8.

We know for sure that words were used to create the world. What language was that? If that language exists today, it would be well worth everyone's effort to learn it since it was God's Kingdom language.

After my recent trip to Israel, I am amazed at the depth of the Hebrew language and, after three weeks, am on the edge of being able to read the Hebrew Bible. I can't be dogmatic about what was the first language spoken, but can't you tell that I am partial to Hebrew as that first one.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Husband and Wife

S- So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of the man's ribs and closed up the opening. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and he brought her to the man. “At last!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from ‘man.’” This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.

O- The woman was taken out of man. She was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife and the two are united into one. If she is created out of Him then she is a product of who he is. She is one with him.

A- The wife is an extension of the man. If you really want to know the man, look no further than his wife. If you want to know the wife, look no further than her husband. The two are one. We are also one with Christ. We were taken from His side when Blood and Water poured out. If you want to know who we are, then you must look at Christ. 

P- God, please help me. As I become one with you, help my wife and my family to become one with you as well. 

Double Portion

S- “Now then, your two sons born to you in Egypt before I came to you here will be reckoned as mine; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, just as Reuben and Simeon are mine. 6Any children born to you after them will be yours; in the territory they inherit they will be reckoned under the names of their brothers. Gen 48:5-6

O- There was no tribe of Joseph. Joseph was not named a patriarch of the faith. Joseph was not named as a son. He grew up an orphan, then had to also give away his first 2 sons. It was in living as an orphan and then giving of his sons that he secured a double portion legacy.
This was a perfect reflection of Jesus. Jesus would be orphaned by His father and give the Jews and Gentiles to His Father and receive a great inheritance.

A- Because of what Jesus did, we can never be orphaned. We can enjoy a relationship with the Father, and everything that we do that bears fruit, should be given to God as a sacrifice and as we do that, we can be confident that a legacy will be secured.

P- Father, thank you that you have adopted me into your family and that everything you allow me to do for you is yours. Please give me the grace to give you everything you ask for.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What's Not Written

Scripture: I Chronicles 1:1, "Adam, Seth, Enosh"
Observation: Do you notice what is missing? Cain and Abel. What do we learn from what's missing about them?
1. Family conflicts alienating family members is part of our life of sin. That's true for the first children of Adam and Eve. Cain killed Abel and both of them are missing from the genealogy of Adam. Without Christ, our families would live fractured and divided, too.
2. God's purpose will always be fulfilled. Though Cain and Abel aren't in the lineup, God replaced them with Seth. God wants to use us but, if we aren't willing, He'll fulfill His purpose without us.
3. This is a prophecy of Jesus killed by the Jews. The 1st son of Adam was killed by his brother. Jesus, the only begotten of the Father, was betrayed and killed by his brothers, the Jews. The Jews were replaced by the Gentiles, like Seth replaced Cain.
Application: I have difficulty accepting family squabbles whenever I work with it. I realize that will always follow human life, even in my life, so I need to always watch my heart toward my family. I want God to use me, not replace me with someone else. I appreciate that I, a Gentile, am part of God's plan.
Prayer: "Thank you for speaking to me about my attitude toward family and my destiny in Christ. I want follow and please You."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Grace and Truth

Hey GBC family,

Just thought I'd post a thought from a devotional this morning. It comes from Genesis 3 where Eve says "We cannot eat of the tree, neither can we touch it or we will die."

An interesting thing to note is that God never told Adam that he could not touch the fruit. Several things that are significant. In this passage we see our tendency to err on the side of either legalism or grace. This happens when we ADD to the Word or TAKE AWAY from it.

God said, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."

Eve ADDED, "neither shall we touch it". This is legalism that we tend to pull toward. We always put more restrictions on ourselves than God puts on us. That makes us judgmental.

Eve TOOK AWAY the word "Surely". This is erring on the side of grace. Satan took advantage of this by telling her, "you will not SURELY die". Many Christians do this by taking away the severity of sin and they become loose in their lifestyle thinking that God will overlook sin and they will not "Surely" have to pay for it.

The perfect balance it knowing the freedom God gives us to live and love life and also the severity of sin if we choose to disobey. :)

Another cool thing is in revelations 22, it talks of the restoration of Eden and at the end Jesus gives a warning,

"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone ADDS anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone TAKES WORDS AWAY from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll."

It's almost as if Jesus is saying, "Let's not repeat the mistake that got us into this mess in the beginning".

This is one of the coolest insights I've gotten from that passage and just wanted to share it! :) Our Church name is fitting. Lets strive to live the balance of Grace and Bible.
Love you guys

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Does my religion match my words?

S - "If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless". James 1:26
O - Plain and straightforward, James says if I don't control what comes out of your mouth  then my testimony will be a candle without a flame. It's easy to be negative, backbiting, swearing, cursing,  speaking rumors, just like the guy next door.  It's easy to criticize and jump on the bandwagon especially when people rub you the wrong way or even when things get difficult does curses come out of my mouth?
A - I looked at my daily life and had one thought that if  I was to live for just one more day, what would I carry into the day. I would want to be a person who carries words of Christ to others at work and home. I want to be a life giver to people no matter who it is.
P - Lord, change my heart and let me be a mouthpiece for You so that You will be glorified.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Helping the Poor

TITLE: Helping the Poor
DATE: March 26, 2011

SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 15:11
“There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.”

OBSERVATION: The eradication of poverty is possible. God gives the key to accomplish that goal – 1) cancel all debts every seven years (v.1), and thereby stabilizing asset ownership so no one can accumulate more than their original possessions, and 2) carefully obeying “with care” God’s commands (v.4, 5). If these would be done, poverty would become history. But God is realistic and understanding of human nature. He realize that 1) and 2) will not be carried out and declares that “There will always be poor people in the land.” (15:11) Therefore, those with assets must be generous to those without to assist them. And we need to be “openhanded” or generous to the poor. (v.7-10)

APPLICATION: We are helping Maui’s hungry and poor, but need to go beyond, providing for the poor, and position them for prosperity through education, opportunities and mentorship. Empowering the poor is just as great, or even greater, a need as giving them a helping hand. For me, the eradication of poverty should be a major goal as helping them in their poverty. Our Maui pastors and churches need wisdom to know how to empower the poor in the island to lift them into self-sufficiency.

PRAYER: “Broaden my heart to see needs as You see them and help the poor in the long term as we are in the short term.”

Is God Responsible For Natural Disaster?

Click on picture to read story of Christians helping Japan
Natural Disaster is NOT God's judgement. It's His mercy.

S- Haggai 2:17 NLT
I sent blight and mildew and hail to destroy everything you worked so hard to produce. Even so, you refused to return to me, says the Lord.

O- God sent evil to bring us back to Him. Many times we look as evil as evil and because of that we reason that those things could never come from the hand of God. This is not congruent with the Bible. Many times God sent plagues, war, and hunger to bring people back to himself. When we see that God is better than health, peace and food, we will understand that the absence of these things are good if it leads us to God. People that see these things as better than God will never understand the goodness of God in absence of these things.

A- I need to see that God is better than anything else in my life. Right now I need to see that God is better than peace. He is asking me to do things that will bring tension and stress, but if I am obedient I know that I will experience the presence of God and that is better than peace. Right now I am struggling to see God as good because of what He is asking me to do. This is because I value peace more than Him. 

P- God, you are good. You are the best thing that could ever happen to me. Help me to let go of things that I view as important and embrace you. I love you and know there is nothing better in my life than growing closer to you. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

S - Galatians 6:9 - Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

O - This is a promise that if we persevere in doing good, that we will reap a harvest from it. Just as a farmer spends much of the year working hard, preparing the soil, planting, and waiting, when the time for harvest comes, all his work was more than worth what he reaps. Thus we must keep in mind that the harvest, will come, and will be worth the work we put in.

A - Even though my life isn't that busy, or that difficult, I still have times where I feel tired physically and my will to keep doing good is weak. I can wish that I had another week of vacation to just get away and relax. However, I must remember that the harvest will come, because God is trustworthy, and that the harvest will be worth it, because God is a good father who gives good gifts.

P - God help me to persevere in doing good, to not grow weary, but zealously do good toward you and to those around me. Amen.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Promise & A Curse

Scripture: Deuteronomy 11

Observation: This has to be one of my favorite chapters of the Bible so I can't just choose one verse. God tells us to love him, follow him and keep his commandments. He reminds us of his faithfulness, teaches us how to pass these things on to our children and reminds us of what will happen if we stray from this command.

Application: God could have commanded us to love and follow Him because of the things He has done in the past but instead He allows us to personally experience Him and to witness His power in our own lives.

My kids love to hear stories. We make up stories with characters like the ugly, scary, hairy, old green monster. Or the famous two sisters....Miley and Ralia. We tell stories at the dinner table, in the mini van, at bedtime and almost any time of the day. As much fun as the made up stories are, the kids love most the stories about our lives and the things that the Lord has done for us. How God brought us we were blessed with the birth of each we came to know Jesus personally...the miracles we've seen, etc.

Prayer: Lord, help me to continue to tell stories about your goodness, faithfulness and mighty power so that others can see how great you are.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

S-Phil 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

O- When it comes to success in this world selfish ambition or vain conceit or both are usually the motivation behind it. It is awesome that we have an example of Jesus to follow where he was equal with the Father but didn't have a problem deferring to Him and doing His will and He also didn't have a problem valuing our lives more than His own and He showed this by laying down His own life for us.

If we are secure and humble enough, then we too will lay down our own ambitions for God's ambitions and we will make other people's ambitions our ambitions as well. In a culture where we are taught to look out for ourselves God teaches us to focus on others. True leadership is not being better than everyone around you, but rather to make everyone around you better. Then God will lift you in due time.

A- I want to be secure and humble and to seek after selfless ambitions instead of selfish ones. I also want to follow the example of Christ and run after God's ambitions and to value others ambitions more than I value my own.

P- Lord please help me to do all of these things and help the legacy of my life show that I was more concerned with promoting others than promoting myself.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Understanding God

S - " So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord." Deuteronomy 34:5

O - We know the story that Moses could not enter the Promise land because he disobeyed God. He was the vessel who God used to delivered the people of Israel from Egypt, lead them through the wilderness and brought  them  to the point of the Promise land. The land he had been preaching to the people as the promise from God but he could not enter in. Imagine that feeling but interestingly enough the bible says in v. 6-7 God buried him and his eyes were not dim or his vigor diminished. As we know that Moses was one of the two at the Mount of Transfiguration. There are so many things can be gleaned from this event but knowing what happened, God had a better future for Moses which was an eternal glory even though he failed God.

A - I realize that disappointments and failures are part of  life and sometimes God will not change it  but eternally there will be a glory waiting in heaven. A lot of times, I see only the present and the natural but God wants me to see that there is an eternal future. Sometimes its hard, I know Moses had to carry the disappointment walking in the earthly life but he was rewarded eternally.

P - Lord, help me when disappointments and failures come that I see an eternal future. I need Your grace to walk so whatever comes my way I can handle it.
S- Galatians 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ"

O-Two things. "If I were still"-This shows that there once was time when Paul was trying to please people. And if you are trying to please people then you are not a servant of God. What is implied is that you are a servant of people or people's opinions.

I think that fear paralyzes me. Like when I play basketball, I have a fear of shooting because I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to score. I am more afraid of their opinion of me, than playing the way I know I should. This fear follows me in almost every area of my life-I feel junk when I don't pay like I know I should, and at the same time, I almost feel bad if I do well. That's crazy! But I think God is showing me, that it boils down to me trying to please people, and my own expectations, rather than pleasing or being a servant of God.

A-I need to start living more as a servant of Christ in all that I do. Do I try to please Christ (Christ meaning the anointed one)? Are my attitudes, motivations, and decisions lining up to what I am anointed to do?

No one who always played things safe, ever did anything great.

P-God help me to not fear people's opinions. Let me be wise in my dealings and interactions, but let the core reasonings for my life decisions be based upon what pleases you. Clarify what I am anointed to do, and to have the courage to walk in that.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

God's Assignments

TITLE: God’s Assignment
DATE: March 16, 2011

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 31:1
“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Take vengance on the Midianites for the Israelites. After that, you will be gathered to your people.”

OBSERVATION: God gave Moses his final assignment as one day we will all be given our final assignment. After this task was completed, his life on earth would be over. He was to punish the Midianites and Balaam for the scheme against Israel by being enticed by the Midianite women. After this, Moses would be taken, not from his earthly family but taken to his heavenly family. The emphasis was not on what he was leaving, but what he was gaining – his people in heaven, those who have gone before. After God makes His assignment clear, we’ll join the cheering section watching and praying for us.

APPLICATION: I don’t think I am faced with my final assignment, but I want my current assignment from God to be clear. Transitioning the church leadership, leading Maui’s pastors, writing books to convey the story of our church family & insights from God’s Word, reaching Okinawa and Japan and developing my gifts in the arena of finances are areas God is laying on my heart. I see it clearly in four quadrants – Family, Legacy, Church and Mission. There are many areas yet to complete. I haven’t come to my final assignment yet, but I would want it as clear, at that future time, as it was to Moses, and be prepared to meet those cheering & praying for me.

PRAYER: “Open my eyes to the ‘cloud of witnesses’ encouraging me to finish my course well and sensitize my heart to heari & do God’s assignments for me.”

Friday, March 18, 2011

Importance of Prayer

S - "And the Lord was very angry with Aaron and would have destroyed him; so I prayed for Aaron also at the same time." Deuteronomy 9:20
O - While Moses was up on the mountain meeting with God, Aaron had been leader in his absence. The people pressured Aaron and he gave in allowing them to make a golden calf. The anger of the Lord came against Israel and Aaron but it was because of Moses' prayers that the people were spared from God's wrath to be wiped off the face of the earth.
A - It showed me that in prayer: 1. One person can cry out and intercede for a nation where God would listen. If it wasn't for Moses' prayer, Israel would have been destroyed by God's judgment. 2. Prayer can change God's judgment on people's lives. Again, if it wasn't for Moses, God would have killed Aaron. Sometimes I think that my prayer for people goes on dead ground but in reading this passage, I understand when I pray for people I could have God's judgment be withheld on them.
P - Lord, give me the grace to be an intercessor for people and even the nation of Japan during this time.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Romans 2:6-10 NIV84

God “will give to each person according to what he has done.” To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self‑seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

You do good you get good.
You do bad you get worse.
This is not just for the temporal but the eternal.
Simple yet why sometimes do we expect good to ever come from bad? God specificly says He will give according to what is done.

To have the mind of Christ I can not reward good for evil, no matter how seemingly small the evil act of evil I perceive it to be, because evil is evil.

Father thank you for this lesson. Help me to make this apart of my value system and moral code. Help me to have Your mind. Thank you, in Jesus name amen.

S-Duet 23

O-"Who cannot be become one of God's people"

The Law truly shows how impossible it is to live up to the standard God has for us, and the restrictions He puts on who is accepted or not is so stringent, "no one who's private parts are crushed or cut off...born outside of legal marriage...[no one] who refused to give you food and water when you came out of Egypt, and tried to curse you".

I mean, to our American society, these things sound so unfair. Where's the grace? This God is just mean.

I even felt that way, reading this. But God is showing us how we must approach Him, and that we don't live in a "fairy tale" land where there is no judgment for sin, no enemy out to destroy the nation God is forming, and where the people can vote upon what they think is right. This is the Kingdom of God, and He shows us just how far we fall short of His glory, standard.

God also shows His love and merciful preservation, by turning Balaam's curse into blessing, and remembering those who are family, including family that they had while in Egypt, "you must be kind to Edomites and Egyptians and let their great-grandchildren become part of Israel, the Lord's people" (vs 7)

So God cleans out His nation of all "defects", yet allows people from the nation who oppressed Israel to become part of God's family. Such a paradox...


I am humbled, because I am a person of defect and one who was not part of God's people, yet I am able to be forgiven and even accepted into God's family. God uses the generations of the past as living examples for us (some where born in times almost unfairly-like outside of marriage, and could not become part of the children of Israel. Now, after Jesus and the cross, I am able to approach God), and I am going to make my life be an example of someone who does not receive the grace over my life in vain. My application to meditate longer on what I should be thankful for and trust for God's direction in my life.


God thank you for letting me be born in a generation where I am able to receive the blood of Jesus. Let my life be lived to the fullest of the call you have. Let me be faithful in developing my gifts for you, let me display your love in all circumstances. And let me be diligent in guarding my heart. And I thank you, that even though I was part of Egypt, you have let me be part of your family. Change me, renew my mind, and get the Egypt out of me :)
S- Hebrews 13:17 - Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.

O- When I first became a Christian I had an unhealthy view of authority and would follow them so I didn't have to hear God on my own and I would serve them to gain their approval and in hopes that one day others would serve me. Then when I started to hear God on my own I realized that leaders where supposed to serve those that God has entrusted them with as well. I started to fell that God wanted me to focus on serving those that I was leading to as well but instead of doing both I swung too far the other way and didn't care about bringing my authority joy but only care about bringing God joy and about seeing those that I ministered to live life full of the joy of the Lord.

A- I want to start making those that I serve under feel like I am a joy to work with and not a burden.

P- Lord please forgive me for not following this passage of scripture and please help me to do so for the rest of my life. Help me to find balance in this area and to be great at serving everyone around me whether they are leading me, I am leading them, or we are walking along side of each other. My hope is that everyone will find joy in working with me.

Guarding My Heart

TITLE: A Heart of Contempt??
DATE: March 12, 2011

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 14:23
“Not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their forefathers. No one has treated me with contempt will ever see it.”

OBSERVATION: What a terrifying scripture! God said He would fulfill His covenant made with Abraham in each of our lives. But this verse lists one exception. He will not fulfill His fulfill His promise to one group – those with an attitude of contempt. Contempt means “looking at another as inferior, base or worthless.” God doesn’t say He withholds blessings from the unbelieving or fearful, but one who views Him with contempt.

APPLICATION: I don’t feel I look at God in this way, but, then, I suppose, all of Israel could have had the same feeling. What shocked me about this verse is that it is linked to disbelief which kept Israel from entering the promised land. To act with a lack of faith is to express contempt toward God, according to this verse. So, whenever, I cannot trust Him enough, I am on the threshold of a very serious attitude that kept Israel out of the land, which was contempt toward God – considering God “inferior, base or worthless”. I’ve never seen unbelief from that viewpoint and prompts me to serious self-examination to keep my heart right.

PRAYER: “Help me examine the inner workings of my heart not just my visible actions and keep my attitude healthy and right before You.”

What the hyssop?!

S - For the unclean person, put some ashes from the purification offering into a jar and pour fresh water over them. Then a man who is ceremonially unclean is to take some hyssop, dip it in the water and sprinkle the tent and all the furnishings the people who were there. - Numbers 19:17-18

O - Hyssop is a plant native to the Mediterranean and central Asia. Apparently it has "anti microbial and antiviral properties"
1. So our God wasn't just arbitrarily telling his people some ritual to follow, but probably did it to actually cleanse the people from bacteria and or viruses. It is incredible that God is so practical and knowledgeable of things we are only starting to understand in science.

A - Every time I read a command that may seem arbitrary, I can look to see if there is a practical reason that we can discover of why God is commanding this.

P - God you are incredible; your knowledge and understanding drives me to learn further from you. Let me humbly strive to know more about you and glorify you along the way


God's promise

S - "When you come to the land which the Lord your God is giving you, and possess it and dwell in it, ......" Deuteronomy 17:14
O - God had a plan for the people of  Israel to possess Canaan land. It was a promise from God and God doesn't go back on His word.  It was not only a land of promise but a promise to possess and also to dwell in.
A -When I look at this scripture there are several questions that come to mind, what God has promised, how do I possess it and even further than that, is how do I dwell in it. There were 2 thoughts that came to mind: 1) God's word , which is the foundation 2) I realize it's not just enough to receive a promise or possess a promise but to live in the promise to the fullest. It's like an athlete making it to the professional league saying I made it. But it shouldn't stop there, certain ones determine to excel once they get there.  I want to be the certain one in life.
P - Lord, I pray that you give me the insight to your promises, give me the spiritual strength to posses your promise and determination to live it to the fullest.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Following Christ

Numbers 9: 15-23 “The cloud above the tabernacle looked like fire. Whenever the cloud lifted from above the Tent, the Israelites set out; wherever the cloud settled, the Israelites encamped.”

O: The Lord directed his people through this cloud. It was that simple. When the cloud lifted they would set out. When it settled, they would camp. All they had to do was obey the Lord’s order and follow the cloud. Sometimes I wish it were that easy for us as followers of Christ to follow God’s lead. A cloud would be so convenient… worrying about where to go, what to do, who to reach out to, etc.

A: The past few days have been life changing for our family. We had baby #4…little Levi Edward who has brought an incredible amount of joy into our lives. My inlaws from Michigan arrived and are living with us. Our children are adjusting to all of these changes and their response is tons of enthusiasm and hyperactivity. My physical body is recovering and not as quickly as I’d like. With all of these changes in the past few days, I suddenly felt overwhelmed last night and impatient with everyone around me. I took a moment to evaluate why I was having such a bad attitude and realized that in the hustle and bustle of life these past few days, I haven’t spent time alone with the Lord. This is crucial for me. God soothes my soul. He brings peace, joy, security, purpose and passion to who I am as a person. He is my identity. I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t taken the time to pause. I’ve been focused on myself and the people around me that I’ve stepped out from being under the cloud of God’s grace.

P: Father, I’m constantly reminded of my need for you. I’m completely dependent on you as my source of life. Thank you for loving me so much that you always draw me near and pull me to yourself. Where you lead, I will follow. You are the cloud that guides and directs my every step. Thank you for caring for the small things in my life. Love you much!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hebrews 11:19

"Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and in a manner of speaking he did receive Issac back from the dead." Hebrews 11:19

God had told Abraham that his descendants would come from Issac and yet God also told him to go and sacrifice his son. Rather then question God on how it would all work out, Abraham responded in faith. He didn't discount the promise that he had received from God but rather reasoned that if this was what God wanted then he was just going to raise Issac from the dead. He didn't drag his feet and wait around for God to tell him to stop, he had already gone to the place of full obedience in his mind that when God did say to stop, it was as if Abraham was receiving Issac back from the dead.

When God speaks to me to do something I hope that my response will be the same as Abraham's, especially in the times when a sacrifice may seem to cancel out a promise. I need to remind myself that I don't always, if ever, see the whole picture. Fortunately God does see the whole picture and I can trust that the things He has me do, is exactly where I need to be.

Lord I pray that I would respond to challenges that come up in my life with the same faith that Abraham had. I hope to be a risk taker that even though I don't see the whole picture or how something will end up, I can take a leap of faith and trust that you'll catch me. Help me to be fully obedient to do the things that you ask of me so that I can live a life that honors you.

Friday, March 4, 2011


S - ""I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved." Psalms 16:8

O - David declared that when he sets  the Lord before him, he shall not be moved.. He shall be able to stand  against  what ever comes his way. His insight was when you put God as the focus you will be able to withstand anything.  I remember the first time paddle boarding, no insightful instructions were given on how to  balance and paddle. So I was  flipping and flopping trying to keep my balance on the board and paddling at the same time. Then I saw a young boy just gliding along, frustrated with myself I yelled out, "How are you suppose to stand on the board?" The young boy said,"The way you stand up and paddle is by looking at something in front of you and focus on that object". What was I doing was looking at the board and water at the same time which didn't work out.  So when I did it(focusing on an object) things got better, the flipping and flopping got less and less.

A - I am reminded that in order to have a balanced life I need have one focus which is Christ. Don't  look all around but straight forward and when I do this I will have a balanced life.

P - Lord, help me not to not lose focus of You. That way,  I won't be flipping and flopping in life. Give me your grace more and more each day.

Remember that you were slaves!

S-Deuteronmoy 24:19 When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. 20 When you beat the olives from your trees, do not go over the branches a second time. Leave what remains for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow. 21 When you harvest the grapes in your vineyard, do not go over the vines again. Leave what remains for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow. 22 Remember that you were slaves in Egypt. That is why I command you to do this.

O- Once we have accumulated stuff it is so easy to fall into the temptation of hoarding or looking at all of it and justifying in our minds how much of it we actually need and how much of it we can share with others. I am sure that the Israelites had the same feelings when God told them to leave extra crops unharvested so that the less fortunate could have an opportunity to gather some crops for themselves.

(I also had some observations on the redistribution of wealth, making the poor work for their charity, and weather we should make a distinction on which type of poor people we choose to help, but I will stay away from those controversial topics.)

What I loved most about this scripture is that God reminds them that He is their deliverer and he is the one that provided them with what they have so looking down on those who don't have things is just like saying that I worked hard for everything I have and I am my provider instead of Jehovah Jireh. We have two choices when we have come out of a bad situation in our life. We can either have compassion for those that are in similar situations or we can look down on them for not rising above it like we did. If we choose option two we are overrating ourselves and our ability and downplaying God's role in our life. It reminds me of the story of a little girl that helped her mom cook dinner by adding some salt to the pot of food that she was cooking and when her dad came home she says, "Daddy, I cooked dinner for you." How often are we like the little girl when God is working everything together for the good for us yet we perceive it as our own personal success story?

A- I want to to recognize and remember what God has done in my life and also I want to be compassionate toward those who struggle with what I used to even if it seems like they are taking longer to get delivered from it than I did. I need to realize that God was my deliverer and not my work ethic. I want to show my gratitude for what God has done by helping those who are struggling in areas that I no longer do I also want let go of my natural tendency to hoard and to accumulate security so that I don't have to rely on God as much. Finally, I need to be able to discern what I "need" and what God wants me to give to others less fortunate than I am.

P-Lord, Please help me to do all of the aforementioned things because I can't unless you help me to do so. Amen.

Possessing Wealth

TITLE: The Assets of the Priests
DATE: February 28, 2011

SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 25:32
“So the property of the Levites is redeemable… because the houses in the towns of the Levites are their property among the Israelites.”

OBSERVATION: I am always learning something new as I read the Word. This time it is about ownership of possessions. I always thought the Levites had no inheritance of land or property that was personally owned. (Deuteronomy 1:9; 14:29; 18:1,2) But this verse clarifies the issue. It states that they possessed personal property, assets and material ownership, and, if, given up as collateral for debt, would have it reverted to them in the Jubilee. Why the seeming contradiction? Could it be that they didn’t have a defined border of inheritance as each of the 12 tribes possessed but had personal property IN and AMONG the tribes, not separately.

APPLICATION: This insight more completely frees me from the misconception that priests are to be paupers, waiver rights to wealth and property ownership. What is true for church members is true for pastors, but we need to LIVE AMONG the people. How do we do this? By understanding their struggles, addressing their needs and interceding on their behalf. I must never feel apart or beyond the people, but live with a servant heart for them.”

PRAYER: “Make me a better steward of Your blessings & always have Your people’s needs upon my heart.”
S -
Leviticus 25:17 - Do not take advantage of each other, but fear your God.
Leviticus 25:36 - Do not take interest or any profit from them, but fear your God,
Leviticus 25:43 - Do not rule over them ruthlessly, but fear your God.

O - There are three instances in Leviticus 25 where God says to fear God. In all three instances he starts by saying a command of how to deal with people. One thing might be that a healthy fear of God is manifested in correctly and righteously dealing with people; maybe a good diagnostic test for our own fear of God. A second thing is that these three commands are specific examples, but the principal in all of them is that in our dealings with people, we are to fear God and treat people fairly.

A - In all my dealings with people, let me always remember to fear God. And whenever I find myself treating someone unfairly or unrighteously, I must ask myself if I am fearing God at that point. If not, by God's grace let me repent, heaven forbid God should have to lead me through an event to fear him.

P - God, thank you that you are so involved with and connected to humans like a family that a healthy fear of you would lead to right conduct among humans. Further, help me to live right as son in your family should.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Independent Spirit

As leaders, we are all subject to this spirit. Please read this well and evaluate your heart. This was written while I was hurting and trying to make sense of a very gifted leader falling away from God. Authority in this blog can relate to natural, or spiritual authority. This deals with heart motive more than outward action.

The Independent Spirit
And the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:1

1. Brings into question the motives of their authority. The foothold of the spirit of independence is mistrust. Satan made Eve question whether God really wanted the best for her. If God didn't want the best for her, she couldn't trust Him. She would need to be independent and take care of herself.

2. Desires to know more than their authority.  Knowledge alone, never made a leader great. Knowledge is not wrong, but knowledge without love puffs up. A desire for knowledge should be rooted in love for others and love for God. We should never want to know more as a staple of authority or a badge of superiority.

3. A desire to be like or be better than their authority. This desire was in the heart of satan before he was kicked out of heaven. Satan said in Ezekial "I will be like the Most High". The independent spirit gets a foothold with mistrust but it's goal is to form someone into the image of satan.

A Dependent Spirit
Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name. Philippians 2:5

Jesus, (Being God) showed the exact opposite character of independence.
1. He trusted the Fathers motive and intentions. Even when being crucified, he never doubted the motive of the Father.

2. He didn't strive to know more or do more than the Father. "Only the Father knows the times" "I don't do anything unless the Father does it, I say anything unless I hear the Father say it."

3. He didn't want to be equal to or better than his Father. Satan wanted equality, Jesus didn't care to be equal. The character of Christ is one that doesn't want to be better or even equal but instead is a servant. Jesus didn't become a servant IN SPITE of being God, He was a servant BECAUSE He was God. God's nature is that of a servant.

To summarize;
The spirit of dependence starts with Trust in God and it's end goal is to mold us into the image of Christ. The spirit of independence starts with mistrust and it's end goal is to mold us into the image of satan.

Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Hebrews 13:!6

Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1Peter 5:5

Monday, February 28, 2011

Are you the friend of God?

S-12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.John 15:9 KJV -

O- Jesus sets the condition of His friendship. There is a difference between love and friendship. Love is unconditional. God sent Jesus into the world because of unconditional love. Friendship is conditional. Friendship is only shared with those with the same values. Friendship is only enjoyed by the ones that are doing the same things as Jesus. Obedience is required for friendship to be enjoyed. Jesus wasn't selfish when he asked for obedience because it wasn't for him. He was telling others to love each other. If people did that, they would enjoy his friendship. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God

A- Jesus makes it very clear here that to enjoy friendship with Him, I have to do everything I can to love and serve others. Relationship with Christ cannot happen without relationship with others. The conduit of fellowship with Christ is to have a serving heart that is bent on mending broken relationships.

P- God, please help me to view my relationship with you through the eyes of how I love and serve others. Please help me to maintain the view of you as my father in law and everyone else as your kids.


S-Isaiah 58:7 KJVIs it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?

O- The purpose of fasting is not to add another feather to the hat of the righteous. It is to take the focus that we have on ourselves and place it on others. The purpose of fasting is to learn to put yourself away and to put others first. The most basic need is put aside so that it gives us strength to put other things aside as well. Fasting is a time to exercise self control for the purpose of loving God and others.

A- The next time I fast, I should practically take the time to give to God and others things that I would normally give to myself. Money, time, energy. I need to make it a discipline to fast weekly and do something for God and others on the day that I fast.

P- God please give me the self control to fast and to place you and others above the food that I eat.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Judgment on the Land

TITLE: Judgment on the Land
DATE: February 25,2011

“And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you.”

OBSERVATION: A defiled land is an abomination to God. Through Abel’s bloodshed, Cain was “cast out” of the land. Through deceit & falsehood, Jacob had to flee to uncle Laban’s dwelling away from his home. For shedding the blood of an Egyptian, Moses was exiled from Egypt to Midian. The Jews, for crucifying Jesus, was scattered across the world for almost two millenniums. In this passage, those who commit sexual sins defile the land so God vows to remove them from their land. God’s response to these violations of human life is serious. The perpetuator cannot remain in the land and is thrust out as a judgment.

APPLICATION: I’ve pondered the fate of many peoples and nations and wonder if what has happened to them is not a form of God’s judgment upon them - the conquest of the Indians in America, the Africans from Africa and the Hawaiians from this land of Hawaii. Were these expressions of God’s judgment against these nations? From this passage, it seems it is and, if so, gives no right to conquering nations to mistreat the conquered. If this is true, it is only a matter of time for America and Hawaii to have its day of judgment. The bloodshed of abortion and murders, the deceit & falsehood in the financial & political arena and the increasing sexual immorality that is now becoming acceptable practice by law is bringing us closer to the handwriting of “Mene, Mene Tekel, Upharsin” as it did for Belshazzar in his desecration of God in his day.

PRAYER: “Grant me a sensitive heart to Your immutable laws and an intercessory love for the people of our land for revival to cleanse our land so judgment can be averted.”

Judgment on the Land

TITLE: Judgment on the Land
DATE: February 25,2011

“And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you.”

OBSERVATION: A defiled land is an abomination to God. Through Abel’s bloodshed, Cain was “cast out” of the land. Through deceit & falsehood, Jacob had to flee to uncle Laban’s dwelling away from his home. For shedding the blood of an Egyptian, Moses was exiled from Egypt to Midian. The Jews, for crucifying Jesus, was scattered across the world for almost two millenniums. In this passage, those who commit sexual sins defile the land so God vows to remove them from their land. God’s response to these violations of human life is serious. The perpetuator cannot remain in the land and is thrust out as a judgment.

APPLICATION: I’ve pondered the fate of many peoples and nations and wonder if what has happened to them is not a form of God’s judgment upon them - the conquest of the Indians in America, the Africans from Africa and the Hawaiians from this land of Hawaii. Were these expressions of God’s judgment against these nations? From this passage, it seems it is and, if so, gives no right to conquering nations to mistreat the conquered. If this is true, it is only a matter of time for America and Hawaii to have its day of judgment. The bloodshed of abortion and murders, the deceit & falsehood in the financial & political arena and the increasing sexual immorality that is now becoming acceptable practice by law is bringing us closer to the handwriting of “Mene, Mene Tekel, Upharsin” as it did for Belshazzar in his desecration of God in his day.

PRAYER: “Grant me a sensitive heart to Your immutable laws and an intercessory love for the people of our land for revival to cleanse our land so judgment can be averted.”

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Holy Spirit Power!

Luke 12:11-12 AMP

And when they bring you before the synagogues and the
magistrates and the authorities, do not be anxious [beforehand] how you shall reply
in defense or what you are to say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour and moment what [you] ought to say.

Holy Spirit will give you words to speak in a time when you have nothing to say! Epic!

This is just one more thing that will give us freedom to live free!

Thank you Lord for the freedom that is in You! Amen!

S-Leviticus 19:14

“‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the LORD"


This verse can easily be applied in a spiritual way, like, "do not curse those who are not 'hearers of the gospel' or live in such a way that will cause those who are spiritually blind, to stumble".
The spiritual principle to follow in order to live in such a way where we do not get fed up with those who may cheat us, gossip about us, and refuse to live righteously (the spiritually deaf and blind) is found later in the verse: "fear the Lord".

If we fear the Lord, then we will have a proper perspective and treat those who are a burden to us with humility. When we fear the Lord, we remember who we are, and that we were once blind and deaf to the gospel, and we are still working out our salvation.

That's my spiritual answer. But let's observe the context of this verse. God is actually ordering the people to literally not curse deaf people and trip blind people. How bad is that? Deaf people were getting cursed without them knowing and blind people were being tripped up in order to steal from them or be a source of entertainment.

That's mean. A lot of the levitical laws make me scratch my head...until I realize just how many dumb laws God has to put into my life, when I don't live out of love and grace. He's got to make a whole bunch of rules for me, because I'm not mature enough to not fall into the folly of my own mind and actions.


I am going to write down all the little laws that I live by, or put on myself, and see if maybe those restrictions are actually keeping me in training wheels.

God help me to live by your new covenant...Let me not need to follow a whole bunch of rules, but let me live by grace and produce the fruit of the Spirit in my life-while still embracing correction.
S- Acts 17:16-28

O- Paul went into Athens and was distressed about all of the ungodliness there. Instead of leaving or cursing it or condeming the people there he preached the same message of Christ and His resurrection but in a new and a fresh way that made the people interested in hearing more.

He also studied their culture, their beliefs, and there literature and used their culture in his gospel presentation and showed them how Jesus was the completion of their belief system and not a contradiction. He took the time to learn about them and to show them he cared which made his gospel message that much more powerful.

A- Sometimes we as Christians can be so afraid of the world and that it will influence us, our families, and or churches that we run away from it. Paul was so connected to God and had such a love for the people that didn't know Him that he was willing to learn about other non Godly practices in order to redeem them for God. He even got to the point were he was disturbed by what he saw in that culture but he got passed those things in order to be an effective witness.

I want to have the power and wisdom that Paul had to be so connected to God that I am not influenced by the world and at the same time be able to study the world around me and be able to show others in that world the fingerprints of God all over the place.

P- Lord please give me a love for you and a love for the lost that Paul had. Please help me to be effective in balancing my time with you and my time with the world and please help me to be effective in leading others into a relationship with you. Give me words of wisdom and words of knowledge that will help others see that you are real and that you have been seeking after them for some time.

Rewards Can Be Messy

"Where no oxen are, the stable is clean, But much revenue comes by the strength of the ox."
Proverbs 14:4

I look at the stable as life and the oxen as taking risks. There can be a temptation to live life in such a way that you don't want to step out in faith, take risks or let life get a little messy. After all, its a lot easier when everything has its order and you are comfortable. However, if you want to reap a large harvest or gain revenue, its going to be a little messy and you're going to have to take risks.

I'm constantly tempted to manage and control things in my life and stay in my comfort zones. There are several things that God has been challenging me to step out in and I know that I could gain so much from taking risks but it can still be scary at times. But when it comes down to it, I don't want to look back on my life and be in my nice little clean stable with no harvest. If I'm taking risks and life gets a little messy, I know that I'll be just fine.

Lord I thank you that I don't have to look to other things for my comfort and peace but that I can find that in you. I pray for a more adventurous spirit and a willingness to take risks. Thank you that through taking risks, the rewards that I gain will include a greater intimacy with you as I learn to step out of my comfort zone and not rely on myself.

S - Leviticus 5:1 - If a person sins because he does not speak up when he hears a public charge to testify regarding something he has seen or learned about, he will be held responsible.

O - I've heard that sin can be put into two categories; sin of comission (where you do what you are not supposed to) and sin of omission (where you don't do what you are supposed to). Here I think is an example of a sin of omission.

A - The reason this passage sticks out to me is because my personality type is one that tends to be reserved and passive. Thus, typically, my sin is one of omission, rather than commission. And I think the danger is that I can think that i'm doing fairly well because i'm not stealing, lying, and lusting. However, am I doing what I should be? Reading the bible, praying, showing love, grace, telling people about Jesus? Of course both avoiding sin of both types is important and so I need to currently work more on the sin of omission.

P - God help me to continue to refrain from doing that which I shouldn't, as well as to do more of what I should. I want not to scrape by with mediocrity but with all that I am conquer sin in my life and walk with you all the days of my life.

Proverbs 15:13

S: Proverbs 15:13 “ A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.”

O: We are reminded that the state of our heart affects our attitude, our spirit and our appearance.

A: This pregnancy has been incredibly confusing and challenging. It’s been a rollercoaster or concern, excitement and frustration. In the past few days, we’ve been warned of having a large child, possible surgery, various intrusive tests, scheduled induction, cancelled induction, etc. Yesterday, I realized that there’s nothing I can do but trust in the Lord. He is in control. I am not.

So…..I decided to live life and stop worrying/waiting. First thing this morning, we went stand up paddleboarding in Kihei. It was a beautiful day! Being in the sun, experiencing God’s creation and getting physical exercise was AWESOME! We came home and ate a healthy salad with a spinach smoothie! Yum! I spent a few hours studying at Borders before picking the kids up from school and ended the day having the Asato clan over for dinner. It was the perfect day! My heart was happy, my face was cheerful and I stomped out heartache!

We are living life and putting our trust in the Lord. He sees the things we don’t and is guiding us every step of the way. I’m confident of this. Trusting in God is much more fun than worrying/waiting. But I do think that my husband has a preference for the “stay at home Sharina” and the “take naps and relax Sharina”. That’s a much better pace for him. J

P: Father, you are the only one who can change my heart. You reveal your truth to me in so many different ways and you always lead me back to yourself. No one can do this in my life but you. Thank you for loving me and caring for every detail of my life. You are in control and I surrender to you.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Leadership matters

 S - But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we. Numbers 13:31

O - 12 of Israel's best. 12 men of character and influence. Chosen to spy out Canaan, land of promise. Chosen because there was something about them that stood out in the eyes of the people.Yet when faced a difficult circumstance, 10 of them could not overcome the challenge where they could not  partake of God's promise. Their report caused grief and melted the faith of the people that looked up to them. There is power in leadership just as in the commercial when  EF Hutton speaks everyone listens. Leadership can bring victory or defeat. Leadership is important to the success of any challenge.

A - Two men characterize leadership by their background and name.  Caleb (Dog) - - Tribe of Judah (Praise). Joshua ( Yahweh is salvation- to be victorious) Tribe of Ephraim (For God caused me to be  fruitful in the land of my affliction). When faced with mountain of circumstances, I have to be faithful, praise God, have faith to be  victorious and trust God, for He is the source of my strength. For me, that is my challenge not the circumstances.

P - Lord help me to have the spirit like Caleb, a different spirit from the 10 spies so I can be a conqueror in Jesus. Amen.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Faith and Identity

Acts 14:8-10 NKJV

And in Lystra a certain man without strength in his feet was sitting, a cripple from his mother’s womb, who had never walked. This man heard Paul speaking. Paul, observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, “Stand up straight on your feet!” And he leaped and walked.

Hear the word and have faith and you can be healed.
To see the healing of others observe the hearts of people and discern, through the Holy Spirit, whether or not they have faith to be healed.
We have that power and authority to discern and speak for the healing of physical infirmities.

I want to be bold and to know this 100% in my heart with no doubt that Jesus won "complete" victory on the cross. That we/I have the same power that Jesus has.

Father thank you!!!! You have blessed me with Your gifts and have blessed me with Your Helper! Help me to know who I am in You even more. So that I can have security, boldness and power to preach Your word. Thank you. In Jesus name Amen.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Usual


"Paul went to their meeting place, as he usually did when he came to a town, and for three Sabbaths running he preached to them from the Scriptures." Acts 17:2 (The Message)
NASB says "and according to Paul's custom..."


"and according to Paul's custom", this seemingly insignificant comment made at the beginning of this verse really challenged me. When Paul would come to a town, he would find the meeting place of the people, go there, and preach, thats just what he did, this is what people could expect him to do. In chapter 14 it mentions Paul doing this very thing, going to a city, finding the meeting place and preaching. However in vs. 19 it says that Paul was stoned, dragged out of the city, supposing him to be dead. So what does he do next? Go home and live in fear? Nope, he goes to the next city and the next city and the next city, doing what he usually did, what was according to his custom...preaching the gospel.


Reading about Paul's life through out the scriptures I can see why people would say that it was usual for him to go to a city and preach, because he did it ALL the time. He was consistent and didn't live according to fear, or his emotions, or circumstance. Whether people wanted to worship him as a god, stone him, or receive the message of Christ, the gospel was always preached. The reason this challenged me so much is because it forces me to look at my life and see what are things that I do..according to my custom? What are people's expectations of me because of the way I live my life? Paul's consistency and custom may have brought him a little bit of recognition, but in the end it was a great testimony to the power of the Holy Spirit moving in some ones life. Paul always made sure to glorify God in all that he did and I really do hope that the things that I do, day in and day out, the usual things, would not be about managing people's perception of me, but rather would make it so obvious to others how great our God is.


Lord I pray that I would live in such a way that the "usuals" in my life would begin to change. The fact that I "usually get stressed out when I have to preach" would turn in to "I usually love to preach and with boldness", or "I usually care too much about what other people think about me" would turn in to "I usually don't get affected by what other people have to say about me". Help me to change so that my life and "my customs" would draw people to you.

Business Impact

Scripture: Acts 19:24
"For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gains for the craftsmen."

Observation: The business of the gospel affected the secular business of its day. Yes, transformation will positively affect the businesses of all in the area - but that is only partially true. Godly businesses will be blessed. But those upholding unhealthy values and practices will be negatively impacted. Jesus invading the marketplace affected the business of the idol makers and they lost money and market shares. The decrease of income created a tension and persecution resulted.

Application: I've felt a tinge of guilt getting into the fro-yo business because it might "steal" business from other fro-yo shops. But, in my heart, I want everyone to succeed. I don't want us to succeed at the expense of others. If we could all gain market shares together - that would be the best scenario. But, if that doesn't happen, I need to resign myself to God's will being done in areas I'm not conscious about. Are the other businesses God-fearing, with values of integrity and industry? Will they glorify Him? Whoever has God's hands upon them will prosper, with the possibility that the others might not.

Prayer: "I thank You for guiding and giving wisdom to do Your will. I commit all businesses to prosper in following Your will since the Maui business market is so large, there's room for all of us!"

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Hardened Heart

S - "Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. In the day of trial in the wilderness" Hebrews 3:8
O -  Trials will bring testings to our hearts. For the people of Israel, the testing came in the wilderness, not in a place of  comfort. Circumstances brought a hardness of hearts to the people. Journeying through the wilderness with God guiding their lives, they had developed a hardened heart. A combination of lack of faith and hardeness of heart stopped them entering  the Promise Land. They couldn't trust God and didn't believe the promises of God.
A - Many times when I face trials, I can have my  heart  be hardened if I'm not careful. Which means I can still walk with God and have a hardened heart.  Disappointments, trials always test my heart. But my faith says that God is in control even though I don't see it with my natural eyes. My challenge is don't get a hard heart in the times of trials and tribulations.
P - Lord, keep my heart from being hard in the days of trials so I can walk with you with a clean heart and with a heart of faith.

Developing A GIVING Church

TITLE: The Church & Business
DATE: February 17, 2011

SCRIPTURE: Acts 18:5
“When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.”

OBSERVATION: Being involved in the business world, as a tentmaker, was not a distraction to Paul. Nor was it beneath his spiritual dignity – a lower status than being a full-time preacher. In verses 2 &3, it opened the doors to Aquila & Priscilla’s heart and they eventually became his disciples. But his desire was to be fully freed to preach the gospel and when he had the opportunity, as was the case in Corinth, at the arrival of his team, he “devoted himself exclusively to” preaching. This passage tells us, that before this time in Corinth, he was engage in a marketplace business in making & selling tents, which opened the partnership with business people who help spread the message of Jesus to others, especially Apollos, later on.

APPLICATION: I’m being challenged to partner more intimately with business leaders in our church so that the model Paul left can be followed. The vision given at the Transformation Conference was developing the church to be a “Giving Church” by having its budget underwritten by 5 business people in the church for the entire year and giving all the tithes and offerings away to the needs of the community. I believe that is what God wants to do so we can be a model church living that way to change the world’s image of the church as a “Giving”, not a “Taking” organism.

PRAYER: “Grant me wisdom and favor to see Your purposes for our church on Maui become a reality – that we would become a powerful “Giving” church that would impact our island.”

Letting Go...

S: Acts 13: 1-2 “In the church at Antioch, there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, and Saul. The Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.”

O: God called upon the church to be willing to give up two of their five preachers/teachers. Even though we hate to see people leave, we should always be glad to share those in the church, with others who may need them more than our congregation. Some have described missions as three people carrying one end of a heavy log, and only one person at the other end. Missions is sending one of those three to the other end to help the person who needs more help.

A: Sometimes, we have a limited view of the Kingdom of God and can only see what we see. We do not know what we do not know. Releasing people to follow God’s call on their lives is tough to do, yet essential. Of course, this should be done with wisdom, counsel and blessing from those who know you best. Looking back on my life, I’ve been blessed. My parents released me from our local church and 15 years later, I’ve returned with a greater love for God and His people. The local church I was a part of in college, where I grew the most spiritually, released me to join the staff of another church and this was the most fruitful 8 years of ministry where I fell in love with the mission of the local church.

P: Father, I pray that you would expand my vision and allow me to see the things I cannot see. I pray that I would release people for your purposes, that I would bless them and trust them over to you at all times. I pray that you would bring the people that we need to build our church on Maui and that you would bless our efforts.

S -
Acts 9:11 - ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying.
Acts 10:2 - he (Cornelius) gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.
Acts 10:9-11 - Peter went up on the roof to pray...he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened.

O - The word pray, prayer, prayed etc is used 34 times in Acts! I only now noticed the emphasis on prayer. In particular the prayer times of these three individuals stood out. It seems like each of them probably had a consistent and devoted time of prayer with God (only in Cornelius' case is it clearly mentioned that he regularly prayed). Moreover, it seems in the lives of these men that there was a correlation between prayer and seeing amazing things happen in their life.

A - I look at my own prayer life and find that it's not always consistent. I would however like to be like these great men who got to see amazing things happen and be part of what God was doing.

P - God put a desire and passion in my heart to pray and spend time with you, that not only would it lead to seeing and doing the amazing, but that it would lead to deeper relationship with you. Amen.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's a TRAP!

S- Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.” Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. Matthew 16:23 NLT

O- Jesus felt threatened. "You are a dangerous trap to me" He said. There are two things I observe. 1) He recognized the threat. 2) To destroy the threat, he had to identify the wrong mindset in his friend and change it, or it would have the potential to change Him.

A-This is especially important for high school students to understand. If they don't impact those around them, the people around them will impact them. The way to change people is to speak into their wrong thinking and beliefs because beliefs generate action. Jesus didn't just rebuke Peter for saying what was wrong, he corrected him by telling him what was right.  Jesus realized that the people around him could be a trap if they had wrong thinking. If he didn't change them, they would have the power to change Him. Jesus had this caution even as the Son of God. If Jesus felt threatened by bad thinking, how much more am I susceptible to wrong thinking. I cannot live right if the people around me are living wrong. For me to live right, I need to teach those around me to live right as well. One cannot exist without the other.

P- Jesus, please help me to follow you in the way that I think and live. Help me to have the same discernment that you had (For myself and others around me). Help me to have the courage to speak out when something needs to be said instead of expecting others to figure it out on their own.