Sunday, March 27, 2011

Does my religion match my words?

S - "If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless". James 1:26
O - Plain and straightforward, James says if I don't control what comes out of your mouth  then my testimony will be a candle without a flame. It's easy to be negative, backbiting, swearing, cursing,  speaking rumors, just like the guy next door.  It's easy to criticize and jump on the bandwagon especially when people rub you the wrong way or even when things get difficult does curses come out of my mouth?
A - I looked at my daily life and had one thought that if  I was to live for just one more day, what would I carry into the day. I would want to be a person who carries words of Christ to others at work and home. I want to be a life giver to people no matter who it is.
P - Lord, change my heart and let me be a mouthpiece for You so that You will be glorified.

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