Friday, February 25, 2011

Leadership matters

 S - But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we. Numbers 13:31

O - 12 of Israel's best. 12 men of character and influence. Chosen to spy out Canaan, land of promise. Chosen because there was something about them that stood out in the eyes of the people.Yet when faced a difficult circumstance, 10 of them could not overcome the challenge where they could not  partake of God's promise. Their report caused grief and melted the faith of the people that looked up to them. There is power in leadership just as in the commercial when  EF Hutton speaks everyone listens. Leadership can bring victory or defeat. Leadership is important to the success of any challenge.

A - Two men characterize leadership by their background and name.  Caleb (Dog) - - Tribe of Judah (Praise). Joshua ( Yahweh is salvation- to be victorious) Tribe of Ephraim (For God caused me to be  fruitful in the land of my affliction). When faced with mountain of circumstances, I have to be faithful, praise God, have faith to be  victorious and trust God, for He is the source of my strength. For me, that is my challenge not the circumstances.

P - Lord help me to have the spirit like Caleb, a different spirit from the 10 spies so I can be a conqueror in Jesus. Amen.

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