S -
Acts 9:11 - ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying.
Acts 10:2 - he (Cornelius) gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.
Acts 10:9-11 - Peter went up on the roof to pray...he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened.
O - The word pray, prayer, prayed etc is used 34 times in Acts! I only now noticed the emphasis on prayer. In particular the prayer times of these three individuals stood out. It seems like each of them probably had a consistent and devoted time of prayer with God (only in Cornelius' case is it clearly mentioned that he regularly prayed). Moreover, it seems in the lives of these men that there was a correlation between prayer and seeing amazing things happen in their life.
A - I look at my own prayer life and find that it's not always consistent. I would however like to be like these great men who got to see amazing things happen and be part of what God was doing.
P - God put a desire and passion in my heart to pray and spend time with you, that not only would it lead to seeing and doing the amazing, but that it would lead to deeper relationship with you. Amen.
That was a great insight - 34 xs in Acts prayer is mentioned. didn't know that. Do you know which gospel has the most mention of prayer? Matt/Mark/Luke/John? The one that refers more to Jesus as a man. Why? Because "men should always pray". PEddie