Thursday, August 4, 2011

The First Language

What was the first spoken language in the world? Have you ever thought about it? I think it was Hebrew. Here's why:

What language did God use to communicate with Moses when he was given "The Ten Commandments"? That language was carved into stone by God's finger and the records of that incident remains with us today. That language was Hebrew. Exodus 34:1

After creation, there was only one language in existence on earth. It was used in creating the Tower of Babel and was so powerful that God had to stop its sole use and divided the languages on the earth. Genesis 11:1,6,7 What language was this?

Could it be the same language God used in speaking the heaven and earth into existence? Genesis 1:1-3 (The phrase "God said" is repeated 12 times in Genesis chapters 1 & 2.) John writes in John 1:1 that Jesus was the Word of God that created the heaven and earth. Hebrews 1:1,2; Colossians 1:16,17 In His earthly life, Jesus spoke Hebrew. Was that the language He used to create the worlds, too?

Was that the same language He used in communing with Adam in the Garden? Genesis 3:8,9. And was it the same language Adam and his family spoke when cast out of the Garden? Genesis 4:1,8.

We know for sure that words were used to create the world. What language was that? If that language exists today, it would be well worth everyone's effort to learn it since it was God's Kingdom language.

After my recent trip to Israel, I am amazed at the depth of the Hebrew language and, after three weeks, am on the edge of being able to read the Hebrew Bible. I can't be dogmatic about what was the first language spoken, but can't you tell that I am partial to Hebrew as that first one.

1 comment:

  1. That is very interesting. I have never thought about that. Very cool, kinda makes me wanna learn Hebrew. :P
