Sunday, January 30, 2011

The responsibilities of a disciple maker.

S - Exodus 18:5-27

O - God placed Jethro in Moses' life to prepare him for his purpose that God had for his life. Some of the things Jethro did that help Moses become who he needed to be to be used by God started in chapter 3 where Jethro had him lead a flock of people in the wilderness for 40 years. One of the responsibilities of a discipler is to try and discern the strengths and calling of their protege and to put them is situations where they can practice and improve on what they may later be called to do. Moses would later be called to lead God's flock through the wilderness for 40 years so the training was perfect for him.

The next thing Jethro did was help Moses get into a position to hear God for himself. Jethro was a priest and God could have used him to speak to Moses, instead Jethro had Moses lead his flock to "The mountain of God" where Moses had an encounter from God and heard God for himself for the first time. As diciplers we can make suggestions to people, but it is much more powerful when people receive their calling from God himself (with a balance of the biblical truth and Godly counsel).

Fast forward to chapter 18 where Jethro goes to Moses and the Israelites, not with the sole purpose of giving him advice but rather to reunite his family to see Moses. As disciplers we need to make sure that ministry doesn't only happen in scheduled meetings but we should always be ready for God to use us to pour into our protégé's life and we should be willing to do life together outside of the normal context of our relationship.

(v8-11)Next, God used Jethro spent the time listening to Moses and was genuinely interested in what God was doing in and through his life. He then helped bring another perspective on what God had done and what God was doing in Moses' life.

(v12) Then Jethro was an example to Moses on how to worship God and how to spend time in the presence of God. He then invited the people Moses was called to lead and taught them as well. As dsiciplers we need to teach our proteges not to do what we do but also to model to them how to invite others to follow you as well.

(v13-22)Another thing Jethro did was observe Moses life and leadership. He was able to help Moses focus on the long term and not just his immediate situation. He saw some things that concerned him in Moses and he was willing to ask Moses the tough questions, to speak the truth to him in love, and to help provide him with solutions to his problems. However, it was not just damage control but rather he gave Moses a vision of how much more effective he could be if he made a few changes in his life and his leadership.

(v27)Finally, the temptation that some leaders struggle with is to hold on too long to their proteges and not allow them to lead on their own. Jethro poured his life into Moses and did his best to teach him everything he could not so he could be dependent on him but so that eventually he would be able to thrive when he wasn't there. Then he trusted God and moses enough to go on his way and allow Moses to take it from there on his own.

A - I want to find as many Jethros as I can who are willing to pour into my life what Jethro poured into Moses. I also never want to get to the point where I feel that I don't need people in my life who are willing to call me on my weaknesses and help me to see my weaknesses and to focus on the long term as well as my current situation. I also want to make sure that I provide all of the things that Jethro provided Moses to those that I have the privilege of leading.

P - Lord Jesus, Please send more Jethros to me to help me get closer to you and closer to my calling. Please help me to recognize the Jethros you have already given me. Please help me to respond to their counsel and correction like Moses responded. Please help me to follow Jethro's example as I disciple others and help me to have the impact on their lives and their calling the way that Jethro did in Moses' life. Finally, please help those I pour my life into to be walk in their calling like Moses did.

1 comment:

  1. Great practical insights into Jethro the disciple-maker. never heard it like that before.
