S- Genesis 40:23, "The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him".
O-God is showing me, today, about the process of God, the importance of having a vision, and trusting that God knows what He's doing.
I think it's so easy to know in our minds that God has a process in which He uses all things to bring about good things that love and serve Him; however, it's when things look like they're about to turn around...when finally we can see God starting to bring us into the blessing we have been sacrificing and believing for come to pass...and then NOTHING changes. We are still in the muck and chaos. We are forgotten. This is why Joseph's story speaks so loudly to me today.
Joseph's story shows us that we need to hold on to the dreams and visions God gives us. I emphasize God here because so many times we chase after dreams and visions other people give us, conforming to what others say we should have, instead of chasing down God and asking Him to show us who we are to become and what we are to do.
The last thing is always the hardest and if we don't have this, then it is easy to dismiss or let die the process and vision God has given us. The last thing is can we trust that God knows what He's doing? It would have been so easy for Joseph to think that He trusted in God and it landed him somewhere beneath His potential, "Here I am, running a prison, when I could running this whole nation...". But the bible didn't say God forgot Him. Joseph was right in the middle of God's plan for His life, even though He was wrongfully in prison. Because Joseph continued to trust, He was able to persevere another two years before that cupbearer remembered him. Finally, it was time for Pharoah to have a dream-and in one day Joseph was brought to remembrance and was promoted to functioning leader of all Egypt.
A-I think I just need to trust that God knows what He's doing, and live as if I trust that I know what He's doing. That doesn't mean to sit on the couch and just believe that God has a plan, because Joseph fulfilled His purpose in all situations and circumstances. This is something I must learn to do at all times.
P-Dear God, help me to chase you down and look for what vision and dreams you may give me to accomplish in the decades or so I have left. Let me dream bigger dreams and have visions that I know that I cannot accomplish without you. Let me be trained and intentional about growing in every season of my life. And as I chase down your vision, make it mine, and find myself weary, disappointed, and stuck-I pray that I trust and hold on, because I will be remembered and there will be day of realized dreams.
What I like about you.....you are always seeking to grow, to learn, to improve and it's not just lip service, you actually put it into action. I believe God has great things for you as you continue to seek His face.