Exodus 10:24
Then Pharaoh called to Moses, and said, "Go, serve the Lord; only let your flocks and your herds be detained. Even your little ones may go with you."Observation:
In vs. 3:16b-17 God says, "I am indeed concerned about you and what has been done to you in Egypt. So I said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt...to a land flowing with milk and honey." God sent Moses to Pharaoh with very specific instructions, however, Pharaoh tried several times to negotiate with Moses. In vs. 8:25 Pharaoh said they could go sacrifice to God within the land, and in vs. 10:11 he said that just the men could go. Then in vs. 10:24 Pharaoh says they may all go but must leave their flocks and herds. Moses' interactions with Pharaoh could not have been easy. If it were me, I would have gotten more and more discouraged each time Pharaoh agreed to let them go, and then hardened his heart. While every offer that was presented became more and more enticing, it would still have the Israelites living in bondage. It had the appearance of being a good option but did not have them entering the promise land. Every time an offer was made for anything less then what God had promised, Moses did not give in.
When we made the move to Maui 4 years ago it was not easy. There were several times when it looked like it might just be easier to stay on Oahu, and while it would have been fine for us to stay, it was not what we believed God had for us. There have been other times in my life when something less then God's best seemed like a good idea, and I was tempted to take the easy way out. I need to remind myself that for me to experience all that God has for me, I need to hold on to what He has promised, even when faced with an easier option.
Father God I pray that I would believe you for every area of my life. Especially in those times when I can't see how your promises are going to pass and another option seems almost as good, I don't want to miss out on the promise land that you have for me and settle for an imitation of your promise. You are a big God who keeps his promises, I pray that I would live in such a way that would show that.
Thanks for the personal application revealing how God as been dealing with your heart.