Thursday, February 3, 2011


S: Exodus 13:16 “It will be like a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead that the Lord brought us out of Egypt with his mighty hand.”

O: Throughout Exodus 12-14, there are numerous traditions and vigils that the Lord commands of his people so that they will always remember Him and the good things He has done for them. He has them honor these traditions in order to pass down the stories into the next generation.

A: I remember a teaching on “memorials” where a family shared a picture box that hung on their living room wall that showed symbols of the many times that God performed miracles in their lives. They would share those stories with their kids, grandkids and people who visited their home as a rememberance of what God has done for them. Their grandkids knew the stories so well that they would repeat them to friends who visited and it was a way of always remembering God’s goodness to them.

P: Father, it’s so easy to forget all the amazing things you have done in our lives and how you constantly show up on the scene to make yourself known. Help us to find a way as a family to honor you and to remember the things you have done.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed how many times memorials are used in the Bible to remind God's people of what He did in the past. I want to do that too. The idea of a box of memorabilia is a good suggestion.
