Wednesday, January 26, 2011

S - Mark 10:26-27 - Here Jesus tells the disciples that it is impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. The disciples respond with almost an angst saying, who then can be saved?! Jesus then responds saying that it is impossible if man does it by himself, but with God, all things are possible.
O - At times people quote "All things are possible with God" in regards to all sorts of different things. This is true, God can do anything. However, I found it significant that Jesus says God can do what is humanly impossible in the context of a person coming into the kingdom of God.
A - I am greatly encouraged when I think about the people I feel are impossible to get into the Kingdom of God. From this passage, I realize that just by my own strength, or even the strength of the person i'm reaching out to, it is impossible. Yet, with God, all things are possible.
P - Thank you God that though it was impossible for me to save myself, you were able to save me, and further, that those around me who cannot save themselves, that you can and will save them.


  1. Great post! God always had a grace on your life in regards to passion for the harvest. Guard that deposit and God will use you in a great way.

  2. i agree! I didn't see that before! Thank you!
