Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fear the Enemy of Faith

S- "And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him, and said unto him,"O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt.?" Matthew 14:31
O- Faith took Peter to a place where no man has gone. At the word of Jesus, Peter walks on water but when he sees and feels the wind and waves, he begins to sink then Jesus rescues him. Peter had faith to walk on water but the winds and waves tested him which caused his faith to shrink then sink. The enemy of faith is a tag team of fear and doubt as Peter focused on the boisterous elements surrounding him instead of Jesus.
A- As I walk with God, He has taken me to places I've never thought I could do or be but with it came challenges and difficulties that I had to face. So I always have to continually remind myself that storms of life will come and Jesus may not calm the wind and waters but He will be with me. Sometimes it is hard to deal with especially when the going gets tough but I have to declare faith that Jesus said" He will not leave me or forsake me." so that fear and doubt cannot rule my heart.
P- Jesus, help my faith to be strong in circumstances knowing that you have called me. Let my heart not be guided by fear and doubt but by faith in You. Amen.


  1. i like your phrase: "Faith took Peter to a place where no man has gone." That's what God wants to do for all of us. And when it gets done, only He gets the credit.

  2. Neat to hear that you struggle sometimes cause you always seem to be so calm and cool. God shines through you and it's neat to see how He works in your life. Thanks for sharing.
