Saturday, January 15, 2011

S - gen 37:11 "His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind."
O - Joseph tells his family his dream and then this verse summarizes the two contrasting responses of Jacob and Joseph's brothers. Both Jacob and Joseph's brothers did not like the dream, however, Joseph's brothers became jealous and let their jealousy control them causing them to sell their own brother into slavery. On the other hand, Jacob scolded his son, but seems to have kept his emotions in check and he kept the matter in mind.
A - Whenever people share some idea with us, whether that is what God is speaking to them, or an opinion of some sort, we may disagree, or not like it. However, we should be like Jacob and be able to give our own opinion back without letting our emotions take control of us. Moreover, we should keep the matter in mind and discern whether or not it is true. If true and from God, then what other choice do we have, other than to support the idea.
P - God help us to keep our emotions in check as well as to discern truth, and once finding it, give us the grace to put that truth into action with all of our capacity.


  1. That's probably one of the toughest a response while being wise/discerning with what you say. Good stuff.

  2. being observant and not critical is a major accomplishment.
