Monday, February 28, 2011
Are you the friend of God?
O- Jesus sets the condition of His friendship. There is a difference between love and friendship. Love is unconditional. God sent Jesus into the world because of unconditional love. Friendship is conditional. Friendship is only shared with those with the same values. Friendship is only enjoyed by the ones that are doing the same things as Jesus. Obedience is required for friendship to be enjoyed. Jesus wasn't selfish when he asked for obedience because it wasn't for him. He was telling others to love each other. If people did that, they would enjoy his friendship. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God
A- Jesus makes it very clear here that to enjoy friendship with Him, I have to do everything I can to love and serve others. Relationship with Christ cannot happen without relationship with others. The conduit of fellowship with Christ is to have a serving heart that is bent on mending broken relationships.
P- God, please help me to view my relationship with you through the eyes of how I love and serve others. Please help me to maintain the view of you as my father in law and everyone else as your kids.
O- The purpose of fasting is not to add another feather to the hat of the righteous. It is to take the focus that we have on ourselves and place it on others. The purpose of fasting is to learn to put yourself away and to put others first. The most basic need is put aside so that it gives us strength to put other things aside as well. Fasting is a time to exercise self control for the purpose of loving God and others.
A- The next time I fast, I should practically take the time to give to God and others things that I would normally give to myself. Money, time, energy. I need to make it a discipline to fast weekly and do something for God and others on the day that I fast.
P- God please give me the self control to fast and to place you and others above the food that I eat.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Judgment on the Land
DATE: February 25,2011
“And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you.”
OBSERVATION: A defiled land is an abomination to God. Through Abel’s bloodshed, Cain was “cast out” of the land. Through deceit & falsehood, Jacob had to flee to uncle Laban’s dwelling away from his home. For shedding the blood of an Egyptian, Moses was exiled from Egypt to Midian. The Jews, for crucifying Jesus, was scattered across the world for almost two millenniums. In this passage, those who commit sexual sins defile the land so God vows to remove them from their land. God’s response to these violations of human life is serious. The perpetuator cannot remain in the land and is thrust out as a judgment.
APPLICATION: I’ve pondered the fate of many peoples and nations and wonder if what has happened to them is not a form of God’s judgment upon them - the conquest of the Indians in America, the Africans from Africa and the Hawaiians from this land of Hawaii. Were these expressions of God’s judgment against these nations? From this passage, it seems it is and, if so, gives no right to conquering nations to mistreat the conquered. If this is true, it is only a matter of time for America and Hawaii to have its day of judgment. The bloodshed of abortion and murders, the deceit & falsehood in the financial & political arena and the increasing sexual immorality that is now becoming acceptable practice by law is bringing us closer to the handwriting of “Mene, Mene Tekel, Upharsin” as it did for Belshazzar in his desecration of God in his day.
PRAYER: “Grant me a sensitive heart to Your immutable laws and an intercessory love for the people of our land for revival to cleanse our land so judgment can be averted.”
Judgment on the Land
DATE: February 25,2011
“And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you.”
OBSERVATION: A defiled land is an abomination to God. Through Abel’s bloodshed, Cain was “cast out” of the land. Through deceit & falsehood, Jacob had to flee to uncle Laban’s dwelling away from his home. For shedding the blood of an Egyptian, Moses was exiled from Egypt to Midian. The Jews, for crucifying Jesus, was scattered across the world for almost two millenniums. In this passage, those who commit sexual sins defile the land so God vows to remove them from their land. God’s response to these violations of human life is serious. The perpetuator cannot remain in the land and is thrust out as a judgment.
APPLICATION: I’ve pondered the fate of many peoples and nations and wonder if what has happened to them is not a form of God’s judgment upon them - the conquest of the Indians in America, the Africans from Africa and the Hawaiians from this land of Hawaii. Were these expressions of God’s judgment against these nations? From this passage, it seems it is and, if so, gives no right to conquering nations to mistreat the conquered. If this is true, it is only a matter of time for America and Hawaii to have its day of judgment. The bloodshed of abortion and murders, the deceit & falsehood in the financial & political arena and the increasing sexual immorality that is now becoming acceptable practice by law is bringing us closer to the handwriting of “Mene, Mene Tekel, Upharsin” as it did for Belshazzar in his desecration of God in his day.
PRAYER: “Grant me a sensitive heart to Your immutable laws and an intercessory love for the people of our land for revival to cleanse our land so judgment can be averted.”
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Holy Spirit Power!
And when they bring you before the synagogues and the
magistrates and the authorities, do not be anxious [beforehand] how you shall reply
in defense or what you are to say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour and moment what [you] ought to say.
Holy Spirit will give you words to speak in a time when you have nothing to say! Epic!
This is just one more thing that will give us freedom to live free!
Thank you Lord for the freedom that is in You! Amen!

O- Paul went into Athens and was distressed about all of the ungodliness there. Instead of leaving or cursing it or condeming the people there he preached the same message of Christ and His resurrection but in a new and a fresh way that made the people interested in hearing more.
He also studied their culture, their beliefs, and there literature and used their culture in his gospel presentation and showed them how Jesus was the completion of their belief system and not a contradiction. He took the time to learn about them and to show them he cared which made his gospel message that much more powerful.
A- Sometimes we as Christians can be so afraid of the world and that it will influence us, our families, and or churches that we run away from it. Paul was so connected to God and had such a love for the people that didn't know Him that he was willing to learn about other non Godly practices in order to redeem them for God. He even got to the point were he was disturbed by what he saw in that culture but he got passed those things in order to be an effective witness.
I want to have the power and wisdom that Paul had to be so connected to God that I am not influenced by the world and at the same time be able to study the world around me and be able to show others in that world the fingerprints of God all over the place.
P- Lord please give me a love for you and a love for the lost that Paul had. Please help me to be effective in balancing my time with you and my time with the world and please help me to be effective in leading others into a relationship with you. Give me words of wisdom and words of knowledge that will help others see that you are real and that you have been seeking after them for some time.
Rewards Can Be Messy
O - I've heard that sin can be put into two categories; sin of comission (where you do what you are not supposed to) and sin of omission (where you don't do what you are supposed to). Here I think is an example of a sin of omission.
A - The reason this passage sticks out to me is because my personality type is one that tends to be reserved and passive. Thus, typically, my sin is one of omission, rather than commission. And I think the danger is that I can think that i'm doing fairly well because i'm not stealing, lying, and lusting. However, am I doing what I should be? Reading the bible, praying, showing love, grace, telling people about Jesus? Of course both avoiding sin of both types is important and so I need to currently work more on the sin of omission.
P - God help me to continue to refrain from doing that which I shouldn't, as well as to do more of what I should. I want not to scrape by with mediocrity but with all that I am conquer sin in my life and walk with you all the days of my life.
Proverbs 15:13

S: Proverbs 15:13 “ A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.”
O: We are reminded that the state of our heart affects our attitude, our spirit and our appearance.
A: This pregnancy has been incredibly confusing and challenging. It’s been a rollercoaster or concern, excitement and frustration. In the past few days, we’ve been warned of having a large child, possible surgery, various intrusive tests, scheduled induction, cancelled induction, etc. Yesterday, I realized that there’s nothing I can do but trust in the Lord. He is in control. I am not.
So…..I decided to live life and stop worrying/waiting. First thing this morning, we went stand up paddleboarding in Kihei. It was a beautiful day! Being in the sun, experiencing God’s creation and getting physical exercise was AWESOME! We came home and ate a healthy salad with a spinach smoothie! Yum! I spent a few hours studying at Borders before picking the kids up from school and ended the day having the Asato clan over for dinner. It was the perfect day! My heart was happy, my face was cheerful and I stomped out heartache!
We are living life and putting our trust in the Lord. He sees the things we don’t and is guiding us every step of the way. I’m confident of this. Trusting in God is much more fun than worrying/waiting. But I do think that my husband has a preference for the “stay at home Sharina” and the “take naps and relax Sharina”. That’s a much better pace for him. J
P: Father, you are the only one who can change my heart. You reveal your truth to me in so many different ways and you always lead me back to yourself. No one can do this in my life but you. Thank you for loving me and caring for every detail of my life. You are in control and I surrender to you.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Leadership matters
O - 12 of Israel's best. 12 men of character and influence. Chosen to spy out Canaan, land of promise. Chosen because there was something about them that stood out in the eyes of the people.Yet when faced a difficult circumstance, 10 of them could not overcome the challenge where they could not partake of God's promise. Their report caused grief and melted the faith of the people that looked up to them. There is power in leadership just as in the commercial when EF Hutton speaks everyone listens. Leadership can bring victory or defeat. Leadership is important to the success of any challenge.
A - Two men characterize leadership by their background and name. Caleb (Dog) - - Tribe of Judah (Praise). Joshua ( Yahweh is salvation- to be victorious) Tribe of Ephraim (For God caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction). When faced with mountain of circumstances, I have to be faithful, praise God, have faith to be victorious and trust God, for He is the source of my strength. For me, that is my challenge not the circumstances.
P - Lord help me to have the spirit like Caleb, a different spirit from the 10 spies so I can be a conqueror in Jesus. Amen.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Faith and Identity
And in Lystra a certain man without strength in his feet was sitting, a cripple from his mother’s womb, who had never walked. This man heard Paul speaking. Paul, observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, “Stand up straight on your feet!” And he leaped and walked.
Hear the word and have faith and you can be healed.
To see the healing of others observe the hearts of people and discern, through the Holy Spirit, whether or not they have faith to be healed.
We have that power and authority to discern and speak for the healing of physical infirmities.
I want to be bold and to know this 100% in my heart with no doubt that Jesus won "complete" victory on the cross. That we/I have the same power that Jesus has.
Father thank you!!!! You have blessed me with Your gifts and have blessed me with Your Helper! Help me to know who I am in You even more. So that I can have security, boldness and power to preach Your word. Thank you. In Jesus name Amen.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The Usual
Business Impact
"For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gains for the craftsmen."
Observation: The business of the gospel affected the secular business of its day. Yes, transformation will positively affect the businesses of all in the area - but that is only partially true. Godly businesses will be blessed. But those upholding unhealthy values and practices will be negatively impacted. Jesus invading the marketplace affected the business of the idol makers and they lost money and market shares. The decrease of income created a tension and persecution resulted.
Application: I've felt a tinge of guilt getting into the fro-yo business because it might "steal" business from other fro-yo shops. But, in my heart, I want everyone to succeed. I don't want us to succeed at the expense of others. If we could all gain market shares together - that would be the best scenario. But, if that doesn't happen, I need to resign myself to God's will being done in areas I'm not conscious about. Are the other businesses God-fearing, with values of integrity and industry? Will they glorify Him? Whoever has God's hands upon them will prosper, with the possibility that the others might not.
Prayer: "I thank You for guiding and giving wisdom to do Your will. I commit all businesses to prosper in following Your will since the Maui business market is so large, there's room for all of us!"
Friday, February 18, 2011
A Hardened Heart
O - Trials will bring testings to our hearts. For the people of Israel, the testing came in the wilderness, not in a place of comfort. Circumstances brought a hardness of hearts to the people. Journeying through the wilderness with God guiding their lives, they had developed a hardened heart. A combination of lack of faith and hardeness of heart stopped them entering the Promise Land. They couldn't trust God and didn't believe the promises of God.
A - Many times when I face trials, I can have my heart be hardened if I'm not careful. Which means I can still walk with God and have a hardened heart. Disappointments, trials always test my heart. But my faith says that God is in control even though I don't see it with my natural eyes. My challenge is don't get a hard heart in the times of trials and tribulations.
P - Lord, keep my heart from being hard in the days of trials so I can walk with you with a clean heart and with a heart of faith.
Developing A GIVING Church
DATE: February 17, 2011
SCRIPTURE: Acts 18:5
“When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.”
OBSERVATION: Being involved in the business world, as a tentmaker, was not a distraction to Paul. Nor was it beneath his spiritual dignity – a lower status than being a full-time preacher. In verses 2 &3, it opened the doors to Aquila & Priscilla’s heart and they eventually became his disciples. But his desire was to be fully freed to preach the gospel and when he had the opportunity, as was the case in Corinth, at the arrival of his team, he “devoted himself exclusively to” preaching. This passage tells us, that before this time in Corinth, he was engage in a marketplace business in making & selling tents, which opened the partnership with business people who help spread the message of Jesus to others, especially Apollos, later on.
APPLICATION: I’m being challenged to partner more intimately with business leaders in our church so that the model Paul left can be followed. The vision given at the Transformation Conference was developing the church to be a “Giving Church” by having its budget underwritten by 5 business people in the church for the entire year and giving all the tithes and offerings away to the needs of the community. I believe that is what God wants to do so we can be a model church living that way to change the world’s image of the church as a “Giving”, not a “Taking” organism.
PRAYER: “Grant me wisdom and favor to see Your purposes for our church on Maui become a reality – that we would become a powerful “Giving” church that would impact our island.”
Letting Go...

S: Acts 13: 1-2 “In the church at Antioch, there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, and Saul. The Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.”
O: God called upon the church to be willing to give up two of their five preachers/teachers. Even though we hate to see people leave, we should always be glad to share those in the church, with others who may need them more than our congregation. Some have described missions as three people carrying one end of a heavy log, and only one person at the other end. Missions is sending one of those three to the other end to help the person who needs more help.
A: Sometimes, we have a limited view of the Kingdom of God and can only see what we see. We do not know what we do not know. Releasing people to follow God’s call on their lives is tough to do, yet essential. Of course, this should be done with wisdom, counsel and blessing from those who know you best. Looking back on my life, I’ve been blessed. My parents released me from our local church and 15 years later, I’ve returned with a greater love for God and His people. The local church I was a part of in college, where I grew the most spiritually, released me to join the staff of another church and this was the most fruitful 8 years of ministry where I fell in love with the mission of the local church.
P: Father, I pray that you would expand my vision and allow me to see the things I cannot see. I pray that I would release people for your purposes, that I would bless them and trust them over to you at all times. I pray that you would bring the people that we need to build our church on Maui and that you would bless our efforts.
Acts 9:11 - ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying.
Acts 10:2 - he (Cornelius) gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.
Acts 10:9-11 - Peter went up on the roof to pray...he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened.
O - The word pray, prayer, prayed etc is used 34 times in Acts! I only now noticed the emphasis on prayer. In particular the prayer times of these three individuals stood out. It seems like each of them probably had a consistent and devoted time of prayer with God (only in Cornelius' case is it clearly mentioned that he regularly prayed). Moreover, it seems in the lives of these men that there was a correlation between prayer and seeing amazing things happen in their life.
A - I look at my own prayer life and find that it's not always consistent. I would however like to be like these great men who got to see amazing things happen and be part of what God was doing.
P - God put a desire and passion in my heart to pray and spend time with you, that not only would it lead to seeing and doing the amazing, but that it would lead to deeper relationship with you. Amen.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
It's a TRAP!
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S- Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.” Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. Matthew 16:23 NLT
O- Jesus felt threatened. "You are a dangerous trap to me" He said. There are two things I observe. 1) He recognized the threat. 2) To destroy the threat, he had to identify the wrong mindset in his friend and change it, or it would have the potential to change Him.
A-This is especially important for high school students to understand. If they don't impact those around them, the people around them will impact them. The way to change people is to speak into their wrong thinking and beliefs because beliefs generate action. Jesus didn't just rebuke Peter for saying what was wrong, he corrected him by telling him what was right. Jesus realized that the people around him could be a trap if they had wrong thinking. If he didn't change them, they would have the power to change Him. Jesus had this caution even as the Son of God. If Jesus felt threatened by bad thinking, how much more am I susceptible to wrong thinking. I cannot live right if the people around me are living wrong. For me to live right, I need to teach those around me to live right as well. One cannot exist without the other.
P- Jesus, please help me to follow you in the way that I think and live. Help me to have the same discernment that you had (For myself and others around me). Help me to have the courage to speak out when something needs to be said instead of expecting others to figure it out on their own.
Monday, February 14, 2011
7 “Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”
8 Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” 9 At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.
O- Sometimes we can be so focused on our weaknesses or how long we have had them that we forget that the God we serve is far more powerful than our weaknesses. Then God asks us if we want to get well and the first thing we do is make excuses on why we haven't got better or why we can't get better and we don't realize that God can make any and all of our weaknesses disappear.
The invalid he had tried to receive healing the way other people have experienced healing and it didn't work for him. Lucky for him, God is a God who seeks us out even when we are at the brink of giving up and accepting our weaknesses. All the invalid had to do was realize that he had access to Jesus and his power and to believe and follow His instructions for his life. Once he did that he was delivered from his weakness and began to walk.
A- One area I have always struggled with throughout my life was my weight. I always had a slow metabolism, I have always loved food and was taught at a young age to finish all my food even if I was full. I ran cross country and had a bad coach that would run us ridiculous amounts and it got to the point where I was burnt out and hated to run after that. Then came the excuses of being married and spending hours ministering to people and not having as much time to exercise as much as I used to when I was single.
I have struggled with it for so long that when God asked me if I wanted to get well, like the invalid, I would tell the God who created the universe why I couldn't get well instead of asking Him to make me well.
P-God please make me well in this area of my life and let me be in the best shape of my life as a testimony to your power. Please also reveal other areas of my life where I have been making up reason to tolerate things in my life instead of running to you and asking you to make me well.
Saturday, February 12, 2011

S- Acts 4:18-20
"Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
I don't why I just realized it now...but honestly, I can't remember a day when I wasn't at least aware of God in my life. He has been with me, ever since I knelt down with my dad in the prayer room here in Maui and asked Jesus into my heart. Just that thought alone, is enough for me to linger and think on. I truly know He has been with me every day since that morning.
However, He was with me, but that doesn't mean I was drawing close enough to be with Him. Only now...
Peter and John had been with Jesus. Walked with Him, heard Him, saw Him heal, saw Him answer every trapping question...lived with Him, ate with Him...I'm sure they joked around too.
Men, who have "been with Jesus":
1) Cause a stir in the community.
-They meet needs and draw attention to the only name by which we can be saved (Jesus-for those of us who need things spelled out).
2) Religion will try and stop the spread of a move of God.
-OR tradition. I find myself loving my own traditions. But I need to be willing to lay down my tradtitions and preferences in order for the next generation to have their revival.
3) There will be commands and threats to stop.
-It is only those that persevere that yield a harvest.
What is the key to persevere in light of external and internal pressure to stop in our mission?
Don't stop seeing and hearing.
It was a ludicrous notion for Peter and John to shut-up about Jesus. They, "could not help speaking about what they had seen and heard".
If I want to see and hear Jesus every day, I have to spend the time with Him. It requires that I seek Him out in the word. There's no getting around the word. Twenty podcasts cannot take the place of my personal time with Him in the Bible. I can worship for hours and read books about the anointing, but unless I spend the time digging in the word and praying about what He's showing me, I have not really been with Him.
God's purposes will be accomplished through people who have truly been with Him-and that means extended word time.
P-God help me to keep my heart a fertile soil for the seeds of your word. Help me to not let offense keep me from You and others. Help me, to not let confusion over current life circumstances keep me from trusting You. Help me endure, because I know I will get weary. Teach me to renew my strength. Let your word come to me and not return void. Let it come to me as a seed and become fruitful and enduring, so I may present myself to you-as a man who worked out His faith...a man who walked with God...and could not help but speak about what I've see and hear, everyday.
Favor with God and man
O - The bible says that mercy and truth are key characters for a person to have favor with God and man. It doesn't bring favor only to God but also to man. Mercy and truth in the inward life, having both not only one character displays the favored life. Samuel and Jesus both were label with this characterization "favor with God and man". It is important to live this way.
A - Character check up. Do I walk daily with these 2 in my inward life. Do I display it when situations come about? How do people see me? How do God see you? I know my heart has to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit because many times when situations arise I sense there is a check of truth or mercy. I have to be aware and not let my human nature take over because when it does, it not be best way to go.
P - Holy Spirit work on my life in the area of truth and mercy. I want my life to be a product label "favor with God and man". Guide my life and change my heart so it can honor God.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
When He Moves, We Move
I'm of Great Worth
DATE: January 10, 2011, Thursday
SCRIPTURE: Exodus 38:24, “The total gold from the wave offering used for all the work on the sanctuary was 29 talents and 730 shekels, according to the sanctuary shekel.” (Also see, 38:27; 39:14)
OBSERVATION: Moses’ Tabernacle was of enormous worth. Gold was used in almost all the furniture of the sanctuary. The weight of the gold totaled 2,000 pounds. At today’s market value, it was worth exceeds $32,000,000. Silver was used as the base for each of the 100 posts around the tabernacle. Each base weighed 40 pounds. 4 tons or 8,000 pounds were totally used. Today’s value: $2,000,000. 12 precious jewels of great worth decked the priest’s garment signifying each tribe. Altogether, the construction was probably worth close to $40 million dollars. Why so much extravagance for a structure built in the desert for only God and Israel to see?
APPLICATION: I get up each morning grateful for living in our new home. What if I woke to one worth 40 times more in value? God has provided even more for me. I am of enormous worth to God and He has expended a great price to provide my salvation, the spiritual home I live in every day. The tabernacle represents the provision of and price for my salvation. It doesn’t matter what others think or see about the value of the price paid. It is primarily to satisfy God’s demand and my benefit. What a great salvation! What a great value God has placed on my life.
PRAYER: “Open my eyes to the enormity of my salvation and the inestimable value of my soul.”
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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Picture of a late term abortion (7months) |
Several weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with this one thought. There are defenseless babies being murdered and I am doing nothing to stop it. I couldn't go back to sleep. My previous post talks of the "Brokeness of God". God can't turn off the TV. He can't post a better picture. Look at this picture and let it sink in. This is what He has seen.....50 million times (without turning a blind eye to one of them).
S- Ezekiel 16:21 Must you also slaughter my children by sacrificing them to idols?
O- God was sickened by the children of Israel sacrificing their children to molech. Not ALL parents were doing this. If all people did this there wouldn't be any nation left, yet God held ALL of Israel accountable for the slaughter.
A- We look at this as very inhuman and archaic. We don't think there are any people that sacrifice their children to a god, yet in America, 50 million children have been slaughtered in the womb and the god that they slaughter their children to is mammon. Most do it because they feel the child will be an inconvenience. They feel a baby would get in the way of their pursuit of money and success.
P- It seems like such a big giant. I don't know what to do about this issue. Please forgive me for not standing up for those that can't stand up for themselves. God please forgive us for our selfishness and the innocent blood that has been spilled on this land.
"Two labels: "wanted" and "unwanted". One label affords full human rights, the other is a death sentence. It's genocide by definition."
Get Some REST!
S: Exodus 35:2 “For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death.”
O: Put to death? Pretty excessive, don’t you think? Seems like the Lord was serious about this one. His rules and commands are for our benefit so it seems that the Lord wanted to protect His people and getting rest was incredibly important.
A: In personality assessments, I come out as an “achiever” which means I get things done but the downside is that I live with a constant restlessness in my spirit that I’m not doing enough. Looking back on my life, I used to operate with such intensity that every few months, my body would crash and I’d be bedridden for a few days til my system recuperated. Then, I’d get back to business and hit the pavement running again. I didn’t know how to rest and relax. I was always on the go and didn’t know how to pace myself. Now, with a husband and almost 3 kids to care for, I don’t have the luxury of crashing for a few days so I'm forced to pace myself. I have greater discipline to eat healthy, exercise and rest. I was just reflecting on what I imagined my life to be at age 35. I always saw myself being immersed in business, traveling the world, accomplishing great things, etc. I never saw myself as I am today….a wife, a minister, and a mother, yet I am the most fulfilled than I have ever been in life. I'm absolutely amazed at how God can transform lives and how our dreams are nothing compared to what He sees in us.
P: Father, I'm in awe of you. You have captured my heart and changed my life....and continue to change my life in ways that I would never imagine. My heart is full of joy and happiness because I'm your child and I'm secure in your love for me! There's no one like you.
There is no "Me" in ministry!
22 News of this reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. 23 When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. 24 He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.
25 Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, 26 and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.
O- It is amazing that the devil tried to stop what God was doing by sending persecution to the early church and new churches were started accidentally by Christians fleeing for their lives and sharing their faith with the people they met at their new location. This happened in Antioch and the church later became one of the bigger churches in the early movement of Christianity.
Barnabas was sent to help the church and he could have taken the attitude that this church was not a real church and/or these disciples are not real disciples because they do not operate how we operate in Jerusalem or because they were not getting the teachings that were sactioned by the other church "ministers." Instead, he recognized that God was at work in their lives and encouraged them to "remain" true to God. He realized that ministry wasn't about him at all but about recognizing what God was already doing and coming along side of it. He realized that he wasn't bringing the Kingdom of God to Antioch but rather the Kingdom of God brought him there.
Then there was a lot of fruit and most people would be tempted to take credit for it and try to continue to build it up so they can report back to other how great the work that they built up by themselves has become. However, the first thing that Barnabas did was leave the fruit behind and sought out Saul so he could train and equip him to do ministry as well. Barnabas knew that the work God was doing in Antioch started before him and would continue after him so he needed to train others to lead and to do what he did for the church.
In order for us to be successful in ministry for the long haul we need to learn from the example of Barnabas and recognize what God is already doing, being faithful with the work He has for us, and to raise up other to take over for us.
A- I want to follow the example of Barnabas and to be able to recognize what God is doing around me and to be open to new ways that God could be moving and instead of trying to teach people how I served God I need to encourage them to remain in the relationship that God has already started in them and teach them how to continue that successfully. I also need to raise up others who will be able to continue the work that God has called me to do and to invite them along in the ministry opportunities that God has opened up for me.
P- Lord, please help me to follow Barnabas' example and to minister the way you want us to. Also please help me to have the humility to be realize that the fruit around me is always from you and not from me. Finally, please place people on my heart that I can invite along as I minister and allow me to pour my life into them like Barnabas pour his life into other.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Exodus 24
S- ex 24:12-16
O- God called moses to the mountain so he could spend time with him. Then moses spent six days there waiting for God to call him before God spoke to him. Then he entered the cloud of God and waited 40 days for all of the instructions he needed to lead the people.
God knew moses' schedule and he knew how many responsibilities were waiting for him yet he still made moses wait for him. How many people would have grown impatient and gave up before that 7th day? How many people would have spent a little time in God's presence and left before God gave them everything they needed?
In our american culture we can get so caught up in our schedule that they control us rather than us being in control of our schedules. God wants us to be responsible leaders that people can rely on, however he also wants us to spend time with him. To just to get stuff and leave by to fellowship with him. He is willing to hold back instructions from us some times so that we will dig deeper into His prescence and/or start to enjoy being there at the feet of our father and not make our relationship only and assignments and tasks.
A- I believe God wants me to increase my prayer time with Him this year. Not only to hear his voice more clearly or for the results in my life but because for some reason He likes spending time with me and He wants me to like spending time with Him just as much. I hope to have the patience that moses had and the willingness to spend as much time as it takes in prayer until God thinks I'm ready to receive the instructions he has for me. I also hope to stay in his presence for as long as he wants me to so I can get everything I need from Him and not just what I think is enough or what others might consider enough.
P- Father thank you for wanting to spend time with me. Please help me never to take that for granted. Please help me to want to spend time with you so much that I don't even need to get anything out of it but getting to sit at your feet which I wouldn't be able to do if Jesus didn't die for us. Please give me the patience and commitment moses had to wait on you for as long as it takes and please allow me to spend as much time in your Glory this year as I can.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Details, Details, Details
Brokeness of God
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9-11, Choosing To Love Amidst Pain |
O- What if every wife could look at the thoughts of her husband, I wonder how many wives would be emotionally broken? (How many husbands would be physically broken by their wives the next morning?)
What is the pain God must feel if pain is proportional to love? God loves the most and he also sees the most. God has emotions. He can be hurt. God is jealous of our affection and He hears every thought. Sees every intention of the heart. God becomes emotionally broken when we go after other things.
God loves each person more than a wife loves a husband. The pain He feels is greater than what a wife would feel from an unfaithful husband. But God's pain is not limited to one person. The pain God feels is multiplied by 6 billion people.
When we get hurt, to protect ourselves, we stop loving. We stop caring because it hurts too much to care. We can turn it off. But God IS love. He cannot stop being who He is. God cannot turn off His love for us.
He is constantly broken, constantly hurting, constantly jealous because he is constantly loving.
A-What can I do to be pleasing to God? I can be one that doesn't break his heart. I can be one that gives Him joy. I can be one that focuses to be someone that God can look into my thoughts and my soul and that the intents of my heart will be pleasing to Him.
P-Thank you that you never give up. Thank you that even when you get hurt, you don't turn away to protect yourself, but you reach out. The cross is the ultimate example of how we hurt you and how forgiving you are. Please help me to be a reflection of you.
Help me to love people through my disappointments and hurts because you do the same for me everyday.
Experiencing God
DATE: February 5, 2011
SCRIPTURE: Exodus 15:2
“The Lord … has become my salvation. He is my God and will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him.”
OBSERVATION: God has no grandchildren. Everyone must encounter God for themselves. Many hear ABOUT God – but only those who experience Him really KNOW Him. Moses knew about God as a child and youngster being taught by his maid-mother that conveyed the great legacy of the God of Abraham to her son. But he began to experience God in the burning bush, the signs of his ministry call and the plagues upon Egypt. But he needed a revolutionary encounter which took place in chapter fourteen that would forever change his experience with God. He and Israel were confronted by the Red Sea before them and Pharoah’s army behind, with no hope for escape possible. Then, the greatest miracle in the Old Testament took place giving gave birth to the Hebrew nation. God’s breath opened the Sea and, when His breath was withdrawn, Pharoah’s army was drowned and destroyed. At that point, Moses declares that his father’s God became his God.
APPLICATION: At what point in my life has the revolutionary God of the Bible become my God by personal experience? Has it happened or does it yet have to happen? Though Moses had encountered God in so many way, it was only when he saw God move at the Red Sea that he could declare my father’s God is now my God. Where am I in the continuum between “knowing about” God and “really knowing” Him? Have I seen, am I seeing or do I yet need to see His breath opening up my Red Sea? What does it take for an obstacle to become a Red Sea to me? Has God become my salvation and my God as Moses experienced?
PRAYER: “Prepare me for greater Red Sea experiences where Your breath will open a way where there is none and plant a confidence for greater experiences that will help me know You in a greater way..”
Worship God
DATE: February 5, 2011
SCRIPTURE: Exodus 23:25,26
“Worship the Lord your God, and His blessings will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you and none will miscarry or be barren. I will give you a full life span.”
OBSERVATION: Worship is the foundation for everything else in our lives. When our relationship with God is right, material blessings are abundant, our physical bodies are healthy and our family relationship grows and develops well. God addresses the primary aspects of our lives that often distracts us from Him. We put materialism, health and our families before Him and we suffer. God places everything in order here.
APPLICATION: I saw our sermon series emerging out of these words of concern from God to Israel. We’re looking at Faith, Finances, Fitness and Family. God addresses all four here, but places Faith as the centerpiece. When God is first, our Finances (food & water), Fitness (no sickness) and Family (not being barren) all falls into place. I begin each day, in spite of the workload I have to accomplish things in the other Fs, in my time with God building my Faith. And I notice that everything else gets done in the other times I have. “Worship God and His blessings follow.” Matthre 6:33
PRAYER: “Keep me focused on You daily and trust You to help me with all ‘these things’ (Family, Finances, Fitness) in my life.”
Thursday, February 3, 2011
S: Exodus 13:16 “It will be like a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead that the Lord brought us out of Egypt with his mighty hand.”
O: Throughout Exodus 12-14, there are numerous traditions and vigils that the Lord commands of his people so that they will always remember Him and the good things He has done for them. He has them honor these traditions in order to pass down the stories into the next generation.
A: I remember a teaching on “memorials” where a family shared a picture box that hung on their living room wall that showed symbols of the many times that God performed miracles in their lives. They would share those stories with their kids, grandkids and people who visited their home as a rememberance of what God has done for them. Their grandkids knew the stories so well that they would repeat them to friends who visited and it was a way of always remembering God’s goodness to them.
P: Father, it’s so easy to forget all the amazing things you have done in our lives and how you constantly show up on the scene to make yourself known. Help us to find a way as a family to honor you and to remember the things you have done.