TITLE: Focus on God
DATE: February 5, 2011
SCRIPTURE: Exodus 23:25,26
“Worship the Lord your God, and His blessings will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you and none will miscarry or be barren. I will give you a full life span.”
OBSERVATION: Worship is the foundation for everything else in our lives. When our relationship with God is right, material blessings are abundant, our physical bodies are healthy and our family relationship grows and develops well. God addresses the primary aspects of our lives that often distracts us from Him. We put materialism, health and our families before Him and we suffer. God places everything in order here.
APPLICATION: I saw our sermon series emerging out of these words of concern from God to Israel. We’re looking at Faith, Finances, Fitness and Family. God addresses all four here, but places Faith as the centerpiece. When God is first, our Finances (food & water), Fitness (no sickness) and Family (not being barren) all falls into place. I begin each day, in spite of the workload I have to accomplish things in the other Fs, in my time with God building my Faith. And I notice that everything else gets done in the other times I have. “Worship God and His blessings follow.” Matthre 6:33
PRAYER: “Keep me focused on You daily and trust You to help me with all ‘these things’ (Family, Finances, Fitness) in my life.”
Good stuff Pastor Eddie.