S- Acts 4:18-20
"Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
I don't why I just realized it now...but honestly, I can't remember a day when I wasn't at least aware of God in my life. He has been with me, ever since I knelt down with my dad in the prayer room here in Maui and asked Jesus into my heart. Just that thought alone, is enough for me to linger and think on. I truly know He has been with me every day since that morning.
However, He was with me, but that doesn't mean I was drawing close enough to be with Him. Only now...
Peter and John had been with Jesus. Walked with Him, heard Him, saw Him heal, saw Him answer every trapping question...lived with Him, ate with Him...I'm sure they joked around too.
Men, who have "been with Jesus":
1) Cause a stir in the community.
-They meet needs and draw attention to the only name by which we can be saved (Jesus-for those of us who need things spelled out).
2) Religion will try and stop the spread of a move of God.
-OR tradition. I find myself loving my own traditions. But I need to be willing to lay down my tradtitions and preferences in order for the next generation to have their revival.
3) There will be commands and threats to stop.
-It is only those that persevere that yield a harvest.
What is the key to persevere in light of external and internal pressure to stop in our mission?
Don't stop seeing and hearing.
It was a ludicrous notion for Peter and John to shut-up about Jesus. They, "could not help speaking about what they had seen and heard".
If I want to see and hear Jesus every day, I have to spend the time with Him. It requires that I seek Him out in the word. There's no getting around the word. Twenty podcasts cannot take the place of my personal time with Him in the Bible. I can worship for hours and read books about the anointing, but unless I spend the time digging in the word and praying about what He's showing me, I have not really been with Him.
God's purposes will be accomplished through people who have truly been with Him-and that means extended word time.
P-God help me to keep my heart a fertile soil for the seeds of your word. Help me to not let offense keep me from You and others. Help me, to not let confusion over current life circumstances keep me from trusting You. Help me endure, because I know I will get weary. Teach me to renew my strength. Let your word come to me and not return void. Let it come to me as a seed and become fruitful and enduring, so I may present myself to you-as a man who worked out His faith...a man who walked with God...and could not help but speak about what I've see and hear, everyday.
Yes, there is a difference between "Knowing About" God and really "Knowing Him". I'm challenged with that, too. Thanks, Matt, for that input.