S - Leviticus 5:1 - If a person sins because he does not speak up when he hears a public charge to testify regarding something he has seen or learned about, he will be held responsible.
O - I've heard that sin can be put into two categories; sin of comission (where you do what you are not supposed to) and sin of omission (where you don't do what you are supposed to). Here I think is an example of a sin of omission.
A - The reason this passage sticks out to me is because my personality type is one that tends to be reserved and passive. Thus, typically, my sin is one of omission, rather than commission. And I think the danger is that I can think that i'm doing fairly well because i'm not stealing, lying, and lusting. However, am I doing what I should be? Reading the bible, praying, showing love, grace, telling people about Jesus? Of course both avoiding sin of both types is important and so I need to currently work more on the sin of omission.
P - God help me to continue to refrain from doing that which I shouldn't, as well as to do more of what I should. I want not to scrape by with mediocrity but with all that I am conquer sin in my life and walk with you all the days of my life.
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