TITLE: Experiencing God
DATE: February 5, 2011
SCRIPTURE: Exodus 15:2
“The Lord … has become my salvation. He is my God and will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him.”
OBSERVATION: God has no grandchildren. Everyone must encounter God for themselves. Many hear ABOUT God – but only those who experience Him really KNOW Him. Moses knew about God as a child and youngster being taught by his maid-mother that conveyed the great legacy of the God of Abraham to her son. But he began to experience God in the burning bush, the signs of his ministry call and the plagues upon Egypt. But he needed a revolutionary encounter which took place in chapter fourteen that would forever change his experience with God. He and Israel were confronted by the Red Sea before them and Pharoah’s army behind, with no hope for escape possible. Then, the greatest miracle in the Old Testament took place giving gave birth to the Hebrew nation. God’s breath opened the Sea and, when His breath was withdrawn, Pharoah’s army was drowned and destroyed. At that point, Moses declares that his father’s God became his God.
APPLICATION: At what point in my life has the revolutionary God of the Bible become my God by personal experience? Has it happened or does it yet have to happen? Though Moses had encountered God in so many way, it was only when he saw God move at the Red Sea that he could declare my father’s God is now my God. Where am I in the continuum between “knowing about” God and “really knowing” Him? Have I seen, am I seeing or do I yet need to see His breath opening up my Red Sea? What does it take for an obstacle to become a Red Sea to me? Has God become my salvation and my God as Moses experienced?
PRAYER: “Prepare me for greater Red Sea experiences where Your breath will open a way where there is none and plant a confidence for greater experiences that will help me know You in a greater way..”
God has no grandchildren. I like that. :)