Saturday, February 12, 2011

Favor with God and man

S - Proverbs 3:3-4 "Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart,And so find favor and high esteem. In the sight of God and man."
O -  The bible says that mercy and truth are key characters for a person to have favor with God and man. It doesn't bring favor only to God but also to man. Mercy and truth in the inward life, having both not only one character displays the favored life.  Samuel and Jesus both were label with this characterization "favor with God and man". It is important to live this way.
A - Character check up. Do I walk daily with these 2 in my inward life. Do I display it when situations come about? How do people see me? How do God see you? I know my heart has to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit because many times when situations arise I sense there is a check of truth or mercy. I have to be aware  and not let my  human nature take over because when it does, it not be best way to go.
P - Holy Spirit  work on my life in the area of truth and mercy. I want my life to be a product label "favor with God and man". Guide my life and change my heart so it can honor God.


  1. This is great. You're letting us in on a secret that you live out. Know we know how you have so much favor.

  2. it seems like they are contradictions to each other - "Truth" is eternal and can never change, but "Mercy" is conditional, flexing with the weakness of human heart. It is a challenge. thanks for the input.
