S: Exodus 35:2 “For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death.”
O: Put to death? Pretty excessive, don’t you think? Seems like the Lord was serious about this one. His rules and commands are for our benefit so it seems that the Lord wanted to protect His people and getting rest was incredibly important.
A: In personality assessments, I come out as an “achiever” which means I get things done but the downside is that I live with a constant restlessness in my spirit that I’m not doing enough. Looking back on my life, I used to operate with such intensity that every few months, my body would crash and I’d be bedridden for a few days til my system recuperated. Then, I’d get back to business and hit the pavement running again. I didn’t know how to rest and relax. I was always on the go and didn’t know how to pace myself. Now, with a husband and almost 3 kids to care for, I don’t have the luxury of crashing for a few days so I'm forced to pace myself. I have greater discipline to eat healthy, exercise and rest. I was just reflecting on what I imagined my life to be at age 35. I always saw myself being immersed in business, traveling the world, accomplishing great things, etc. I never saw myself as I am today….a wife, a minister, and a mother, yet I am the most fulfilled than I have ever been in life. I'm absolutely amazed at how God can transform lives and how our dreams are nothing compared to what He sees in us.
P: Father, I'm in awe of you. You have captured my heart and changed my life....and continue to change my life in ways that I would never imagine. My heart is full of joy and happiness because I'm your child and I'm secure in your love for me! There's no one like you.
did you know God's judgment on Israel in Ezekiel included not taking serious the Sabbath in their week schedule? i was amazed to see that. He exiled them for 70 years to catch them up on the rest they denied themselves.