S - For the unclean person, put some ashes from the purification offering into a jar and pour fresh water over them. Then a man who is ceremonially unclean is to take some hyssop, dip it in the water and sprinkle the tent and all the furnishings the people who were there. - Numbers 19:17-18
O - Hyssop is a plant native to the Mediterranean and central Asia. Apparently it has "anti microbial and antiviral properties" 1. So our God wasn't just arbitrarily telling his people some ritual to follow, but probably did it to actually cleanse the people from bacteria and or viruses. It is incredible that God is so practical and knowledgeable of things we are only starting to understand in science.
A - Every time I read a command that may seem arbitrary, I can look to see if there is a practical reason that we can discover of why God is commanding this.
P - God you are incredible; your knowledge and understanding drives me to learn further from you. Let me humbly strive to know more about you and glorify you along the way
1. http://www.health-care-tips.org/herbal-medicines/hyssop.htm
Wow, that's pretty cool. Also gives insight as to why Jesus drank hyssop on the cross, signifying that he was now unclean as He just took on the sin of the world.