O-Two things. "If I were still"-This shows that there once was time when Paul was trying to please people. And if you are trying to please people then you are not a servant of God. What is implied is that you are a servant of people or people's opinions.
I think that fear paralyzes me. Like when I play basketball, I have a fear of shooting because I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to score. I am more afraid of their opinion of me, than playing the way I know I should. This fear follows me in almost every area of my life-I feel junk when I don't pay like I know I should, and at the same time, I almost feel bad if I do well. That's crazy! But I think God is showing me, that it boils down to me trying to please people, and my own expectations, rather than pleasing or being a servant of God.
A-I need to start living more as a servant of Christ in all that I do. Do I try to please Christ (Christ meaning the anointed one)? Are my attitudes, motivations, and decisions lining up to what I am anointed to do?
No one who always played things safe, ever did anything great.
P-God help me to not fear people's opinions. Let me be wise in my dealings and interactions, but let the core reasonings for my life decisions be based upon what pleases you. Clarify what I am anointed to do, and to have the courage to walk in that.
I can see you walking more in the anointing everyday. It's cool to see how far God has brought you, but exciting because I know it's just the beginning.