S - "When you come to the land which the Lord your God is giving you, and possess it and dwell in it, ......" Deuteronomy 17:14
O - God had a plan for the people of Israel to possess Canaan land. It was a promise from God and God doesn't go back on His word. It was not only a land of promise but a promise to possess and also to dwell in.
A -When I look at this scripture there are several questions that come to mind, what God has promised, how do I possess it and even further than that, is how do I dwell in it. There were 2 thoughts that came to mind: 1) God's word , which is the foundation 2) I realize it's not just enough to receive a promise or possess a promise but to live in the promise to the fullest. It's like an athlete making it to the professional league saying I made it. But it shouldn't stop there, certain ones determine to excel once they get there. I want to be the certain one in life.
P - Lord, I pray that you give me the insight to your promises, give me the spiritual strength to posses your promise and determination to live it to the fullest.
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