Saturday, January 15, 2011

S-Genesis 37:33-"And he recognized it and said, 'It is my son's tunic. A wild beast has devoured him. Without doubt Joseph is torn to pieces".

O-Jacob assumes the very worst to be true based on his observation of the circumstance. The brothers were definitely trying to make Jacob believe his favorite son is dead, but they did not even have to try and convince Jacob with words. They presented him a circumstance and then notice Jacob's response, "Without doubt Jacob is torn to pieces". He allowed himself to draw the worst conclusion, without hope, and would not allow himself to be comforted. In fact he later says, "I shall go down into the grave to my son in mourning".

Sometimes our own choices, the enemy, or just life will bring us moments that will paint a picture to us that we see as hopeless. Our fears and unsubstantiated circumstances then become facts (Without doubt, he is dead...). This could mean deaths to many things, dreams, callings...
Anyway, Jacob spent the next thirteen years in mourning, when what God was really doing, was preparing salvation for himself and his family through the provision granted by his son, assumed to be dead.

A-I need to remember that God uses all things for good for those who love the Lord. I need to remind myself that God is going to keep all His promises, and listen to the picture His word paints.

P-God, help me trust in your grace, and remember that you are the God of resurrection power, and through loss, and hard times, you have already made provision for me to not just get through it, but to achieve the destiny spoken over me in your word. And to always remember that you are with me while I mourn, and have already prepared for me, tomorrow's joy.