S- Genesis 47:5-6
Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, "Your father and your brothers have come to you. The land of Egypt is at your disposal; settle your father and your brothers in the best of the land, let them live in the land of Goshen; and if you know any capable men among them, then put them in charge of my livestock.
Pharaoh knew nothing of Joseph's father and brothers, but he did know Joseph. Joseph had proven himself faithful with all that Pharaoh had given him. It was because of this trust that had been built that Pharaoh allowed Jacob and his sons to settle in the best of the land, even going so far as to say that Egypt was at their disposal and to offer them responsibility over his livestock. When we are given a job to do, from the smallest most menial task to larger responsibilities, we should make it a point to not only complete the task but also to do it with excellence. When we display that we are trustworthy, we not only open up other opportunities for ourselves, but also for those who will come after us.
A- When I started working full-time in college ministry I was blessed to be able to build off of the foundation that was laid by other full time ministers who went before me. It was because of their faithfulness in serving the campus and the good reputation that they had built with college administrators that I was not met with resistance but rather open doors. Also, here in Maui I know a lot of the success and open doors in ministry that I have seen have been because of the hard work and solid reputations of our pastors at Grace Bible. Being faithful in the work God has called me to do not only benefits me, but also those who come after me. The scary thing to this is that there is flip-side to that. If I am unfaithful, drop balls, or leave a poor impression on people I interact with, that not only affects me, but can affect those who will come after me for many years to come. I hope that part of the legacy that I leave will be a good name for myself and our church so that through my faithfulness I can open doors for others.
P-Lord thank you so much for those that have gone before me and have done the hard work of laying a foundation that I get to build off of. I pray that I would be able to build a good reputation and ministry that others can benefit from in advancing your kingdom.
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