Sunday, January 30, 2011

The responsibilities of a disciple maker.

S - Exodus 18:5-27

O - God placed Jethro in Moses' life to prepare him for his purpose that God had for his life. Some of the things Jethro did that help Moses become who he needed to be to be used by God started in chapter 3 where Jethro had him lead a flock of people in the wilderness for 40 years. One of the responsibilities of a discipler is to try and discern the strengths and calling of their protege and to put them is situations where they can practice and improve on what they may later be called to do. Moses would later be called to lead God's flock through the wilderness for 40 years so the training was perfect for him.

The next thing Jethro did was help Moses get into a position to hear God for himself. Jethro was a priest and God could have used him to speak to Moses, instead Jethro had Moses lead his flock to "The mountain of God" where Moses had an encounter from God and heard God for himself for the first time. As diciplers we can make suggestions to people, but it is much more powerful when people receive their calling from God himself (with a balance of the biblical truth and Godly counsel).

Fast forward to chapter 18 where Jethro goes to Moses and the Israelites, not with the sole purpose of giving him advice but rather to reunite his family to see Moses. As disciplers we need to make sure that ministry doesn't only happen in scheduled meetings but we should always be ready for God to use us to pour into our protégé's life and we should be willing to do life together outside of the normal context of our relationship.

(v8-11)Next, God used Jethro spent the time listening to Moses and was genuinely interested in what God was doing in and through his life. He then helped bring another perspective on what God had done and what God was doing in Moses' life.

(v12) Then Jethro was an example to Moses on how to worship God and how to spend time in the presence of God. He then invited the people Moses was called to lead and taught them as well. As dsiciplers we need to teach our proteges not to do what we do but also to model to them how to invite others to follow you as well.

(v13-22)Another thing Jethro did was observe Moses life and leadership. He was able to help Moses focus on the long term and not just his immediate situation. He saw some things that concerned him in Moses and he was willing to ask Moses the tough questions, to speak the truth to him in love, and to help provide him with solutions to his problems. However, it was not just damage control but rather he gave Moses a vision of how much more effective he could be if he made a few changes in his life and his leadership.

(v27)Finally, the temptation that some leaders struggle with is to hold on too long to their proteges and not allow them to lead on their own. Jethro poured his life into Moses and did his best to teach him everything he could not so he could be dependent on him but so that eventually he would be able to thrive when he wasn't there. Then he trusted God and moses enough to go on his way and allow Moses to take it from there on his own.

A - I want to find as many Jethros as I can who are willing to pour into my life what Jethro poured into Moses. I also never want to get to the point where I feel that I don't need people in my life who are willing to call me on my weaknesses and help me to see my weaknesses and to focus on the long term as well as my current situation. I also want to make sure that I provide all of the things that Jethro provided Moses to those that I have the privilege of leading.

P - Lord Jesus, Please send more Jethros to me to help me get closer to you and closer to my calling. Please help me to recognize the Jethros you have already given me. Please help me to respond to their counsel and correction like Moses responded. Please help me to follow Jethro's example as I disciple others and help me to have the impact on their lives and their calling the way that Jethro did in Moses' life. Finally, please help those I pour my life into to be walk in their calling like Moses did.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Perfect Disciple

It's so SIMPLE!!!!!

John 12:44-50 NKJV

Then Jesus cried out and said, “He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me. And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him— the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.”

Jesus was and is the perfect disciple! He did everything the Father asked of Him. He said only what He heard the Father speak, and we have the bible for that.
He understood who He was and that He is God's Son and that when you are God's son or daughter He will live in you! So when people see you they will see the Father, and that is accomplished by doing what He asks of you and speaking truth, not adding or subtracting from the bible. The bible is truth and is the word of God and is what He spoke so we can speak what we hear through reading and listening to what He says.

I'm gonna look at the bible so much more differently. God speaks through the words of the bible straight to my heart. I know that God will give me the opportunity for more revelations as I grow and mature so that I will not abuse and distort the knowledge that He reveals. It is a responsibility to share what we hear God speak. And a blessing!

Thank you Daddy for this little piece of amazing knowledge! Thank you for showing me what a perfect disciple looks like so that I can work to become like Jesus! Make me like Jesus! Thank you so much! I love you! I ask this in Jesus' name amen.

Mark 14:38 "The spirit is willing but the body is weak."

S: Mark 14:38 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”

O: The disciples were so eager and ambitious. They wanted so badly to do what Jesus asked and they had so much innocent enthusiasm. Like Peter saying he would never deny Jesus and that he would fight to the end, yet he denied him 3 times. Then, at Jesus’ most desperate hour, he finds the disciples sleeping instead of praying and keeping watch. They thought and believed they could do so much more than they were capable of.

A: In my pregnancy, I find that my mind/spirit is strong yet my body is weak. I think in my head that I can do a lot more than my body is willing to do. The other day, I tried carrying a crib up 2 flights of stairs and couldn’t understand why I was so breathless and got frustrated with myself. We took the kids to the pool and I sat on the side watching Riley jump off the diving board. I had the hardest time just sitting there watching her and wanted so badly to join her in the fun. I almost convinced myself that I could go diving and keep our baby safe but good thing Ryan was with me and shut down my thoughts immediately. In life, we have such great intentions. We listen to a message on Sunday and want to change our lives. Our spirit is strong and willing but the follow through and daily habits of discipline become difficult.

P: Father, I thank you that you have given me a spirit that is willing to follow you and ambitious to make changes that glorify you. I pray that you would help me to have the discipline to follow through on my good intentions.

"I Once Was Blind...'till Someone Spit On Me. Amazing"

S-Mark 8:23-25, "He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, “Do you see anything? He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly"

O-This is a fun passage of scripture. A man is blind and the people around him were moved with compassion and led him to Jesus. Jesus then uses spit to bring about a miracle...gross. I mean, come on, that's a little strange. Imagine being led by some people who are saying that a man can make you see, and when you finally get to the man of God, the picture of love, the healer of the world-he spits on you.

Now I don't know about you, but if I was him, I would be confused and a little upset to say the least. And there's no way (yes I know that you aren't supposed to start sentences with "and", but I'm trying to be conversational. Don't be a grammatical pharisee.) that I would get spit on and say with smiling lips, "oh, thank you Lord for choosing to save me with your symphony of sanctifying saliva! Yes spit on me! And if need be, hock-a-loogie and make me whole!". I just don't see that happening. He must have been confused. I mean read it! Jesus doesn't even say hello. He just takes him by the hand, out of the city-during that time I'm sure the blind man is saying how much He's heard about Jesus, maybe He's a little embarrassed, and afraid because He's following someone He just met...based on the testimony of those who knew Jesus earlier. And after a while Jesus stops, faces him, (the man prepares himself for a miracle, "This is finally it!", and then...)...spit-on-eyes. Such a weird scripture.

However, in reading this I notice that Jesus not only did something that would be offensive, unexpected, and strange ( kind of like when we get saved, we are asked to repent and come to the cross in brokenness and humility)...Jesus put His hands on him and asked, "what do you see?". This reminds me of someone who truly is getting saved and giving their life to God. When we come to God, it usually begins from the testimony of others. After we are guided to the hand of Christ, He immediately takes us out of our city-asking us to walk away from our old life (old culture/mindsets), for the purpose of seeing something different. This blind man is then, in a sense, baptized, with a new life and a new vision. He is now born into the kingdom, he "looks up", and is asked what he sees. His answer is people-however, it's a little fuzzy. Jesus touches Him again, and it becomes clear.

A-My application is that I think that when I am led by Jesus, He will lead me away from the mindsets that keep me blind, and lead me to clarity of vision and purpose. I am going to seek God to give me clarity of vision in the next four weeks for this season of my life-because now, I see that my vision is people, but I'm not quite sure what to make of that. I need Him to touch me again and again.

P-Dear God, help me to be led by you, out of my old mindsets, and to not be afraid of any crazy thing thing you may ask of me or do to me :) I trust that you have your hands upon me and know what you are after in my life.

I can see clearly now the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way...I forgot the rest, but I do know it's gonna be a bright, bright sunny day :)

That song is appropo. (You're welcome Ryan.)

Hold On To The Promise


Exodus 10:24
Then Pharaoh called to Moses, and said, "Go, serve the Lord; only let your flocks and your herds be detained. Even your little ones may go with you."


In vs. 3:16b-17 God says, "I am indeed concerned about you and what has been done to you in Egypt. So I said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of a land flowing with milk and honey." God sent Moses to Pharaoh with very specific instructions, however, Pharaoh tried several times to negotiate with Moses. In vs. 8:25 Pharaoh said they could go sacrifice to God within the land, and in vs. 10:11 he said that just the men could go. Then in vs. 10:24 Pharaoh says they may all go but must leave their flocks and herds. Moses' interactions with Pharaoh could not have been easy. If it were me, I would have gotten more and more discouraged each time Pharaoh agreed to let them go, and then hardened his heart. While every offer that was presented became more and more enticing, it would still have the Israelites living in bondage. It had the appearance of being a good option but did not have them entering the promise land. Every time an offer was made for anything less then what God had promised, Moses did not give in.


When we made the move to Maui 4 years ago it was not easy. There were several times when it looked like it might just be easier to stay on Oahu, and while it would have been fine for us to stay, it was not what we believed God had for us. There have been other times in my life when something less then God's best seemed like a good idea, and I was tempted to take the easy way out. I need to remind myself that for me to experience all that God has for me, I need to hold on to what He has promised, even when faced with an easier option.


Father God I pray that I would believe you for every area of my life. Especially in those times when I can't see how your promises are going to pass and another option seems almost as good, I don't want to miss out on the promise land that you have for me and settle for an imitation of your promise. You are a big God who keeps his promises, I pray that I would live in such a way that would show that.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Seeing Love Requires Humility

What's Your Perspective?

S- Lamentations 5:19 NLT
But Lord, you remain the same forever! Your throne continues from generation to generation.

O- In the middle of the judgments and the punishments he was declaring on Israel, he declares the goodness and faithfulness of God. Jeremiah could see the large picture of what God was doing. Every punishment  was because God cared about Israel and not because he was angry and evil. Jeremiah could only have that perspective when he saw how evil Israel was. To see the goodness of God, we need to see how evil we actually are. When we see what we actually deserve, we can see God's love in discipline. When we think we are all good, God's discipline looks like hatred. We can only see the love of God through the lens of humility.

A- Many times God corrects me through my authority. In my parents, my pastors, my spouse, and even my kids,  I see God's gentle hand nudging me toward change because He loves me. The path of the just is as a shining light that shines more and more until the perfect day. I will not instantly be perfect. Perfection is a process that requires constant correction and discipline.

P- God, thank you for pointing out my weaknesses. I know that your correction is a sign of being your son. Give me grace to seek out sharpening in your word and not just insight and revelation. Your Word discerns the thoughts and intents of my heart and will continue to make me more like Christ as I let it shine in the places that are uncomfortable.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

S - Mark 10:26-27 - Here Jesus tells the disciples that it is impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. The disciples respond with almost an angst saying, who then can be saved?! Jesus then responds saying that it is impossible if man does it by himself, but with God, all things are possible.
O - At times people quote "All things are possible with God" in regards to all sorts of different things. This is true, God can do anything. However, I found it significant that Jesus says God can do what is humanly impossible in the context of a person coming into the kingdom of God.
A - I am greatly encouraged when I think about the people I feel are impossible to get into the Kingdom of God. From this passage, I realize that just by my own strength, or even the strength of the person i'm reaching out to, it is impossible. Yet, with God, all things are possible.
P - Thank you God that though it was impossible for me to save myself, you were able to save me, and further, that those around me who cannot save themselves, that you can and will save them.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Joel 3:9-10, 13 NKJV

Proclaim this among the nations:
“Prepare for war!
Wake up the mighty men,
Let all the men of war draw near,
Let them come up. Beat your plowshares into swords
And your pruning hooks into spears;
Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’ ” Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.
Come, go down;
For the winepress is full,
The vats overflow—
For their wickedness is great.”

This is a time for HARVEST! The harvest is ripe, the wine press is full and the vats overflow because the wickedness is great. Christ did not come for those who well but are sick, not righteous but wicked. They are the people that so desperately need a Savior, and oh, how great is that need!

God has given us authority to bind and loose things on earth so that they will be bound and loosed in Heaven! We are the doctors on earth and God is the Pharmacy where you get what you need to treat anything and everything!

I have a huge responsibility. I have a duty that I feel I "must" do, but not only that, I "want" to do. I am called to set the captives free, proclaim the good news to the poor, heal the broken hearted, set the oppressed free, open blind eyes, and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

Father, thank you so much! You have made my day! I love you Dad! You are amazing! You are beautiful! Strong, yet compassionate. There is no one like You! Thank you for the Word that encourages and teaches and corrects me. Without it I am lost. Thank you. I love You! In Jesus name amen.
S - Mark 9:24 - "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!". The context for this is a father speaking to Jesus, hoping his son will get healed by Jesus.

O - A seemingly strange statement because the father says he has both belief, as well as unbelief. However, I think it represents a good example of exercising one's faith as well as depending on God. In saying, "I do believe", the man is choosing to have faith in Jesus with whatever faith he has. In saying, "help me overcome my unbelief" he is humbly recognizing his lack of faith and his need for God. What followed was the healing of the father's son.

A - We cannot solely depend on ourselves for that is sure to fail. However, we cannot "depend on God" solely and not do anything or not exercise any faith in God. I think we must both fully depend on God, as well as exercise the faith he has already given us, and respond to what he asks of us.

P - God help me to fully recognize my need for you, for I am a man who lacks much, but also to exercise the faith you've already given me.

God's will without God's timing is not God's will.

S-Genesis 50:24 Then Joseph said to his brothers, “I am about to die. But God will surely come to your aid and take you up out of this land to the land he promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” 25 And Joseph made the Israelites swear an oath and said, “God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up from this place.”

26 So Joseph died at the age of a hundred and ten. And after they embalmed him, he was placed in a coffin in Egypt.

O- Joseph always had an easy time hearing from God and knowing the plans that God had for his life, however in the beginning of his life he struggled with knowing the timing of God's will and the timing of when to share it and who to share it with. Because he shared the dreams that God gave him with his brothers it caused them to become jealous and to sell him into slavery.

In the last chapter of Genesis we see the end of Joseph's life and how God has continued to speak clearly His will to Joseph but now Joseph realizes that he and the people of God need to wait for God's timing as well. It must have been so frustrating for Joseph to know that Egypt wasn't where God wanted his people and even to know that he had all of this authority, influence, and favor that he could have leveraged in order to try and make God's will happen during his lifetime. However, he was patient and ironically the man who saw so many dreams come true in his lifetime, ended his life with an unfinished dream that his people would not see happen for hundreds of years and many generations later.

Even though Joseph knew he wouldn't see God's will take place he was sure that it would happen in the future, not because he had a plan set up or the right people to carry it out but because he knew that the God he served was faithful and that when God promises something that we don't have to wonder if it will happen, but rather all we need to do ask Him when and how He wants it to happen.

A- I think at this stage of my life I have more similarities to the younger Joseph than I do to the older wiser one. I think if I was sure that God wanted something to come to pass I would be so focused on seeing it come to pass that I would miss out on other things that God was calling me to be responsible for and I wouldn't take the time to ask God when he wanted it to happen. I think I would assume that if God shared it with me that he would either wanted me to see it happen and/or want me to be a part of making it happen. However, we learned from Joseph and other stories in the Bible that God dreams are bigger than we can imagine and if we can accomplish all of them by ourselves or if we can accomplish them all in our life time that we aren't dreaming big enough.

I want to grow in dreaming bigger, being able to know God's will as clearly as Joseph, and having the patience to ask God for his timing and the wisdom to wait for His timing. I also want to be able to share God's vision with the next generation so they can see things come to pas that I won't be able to.

P - God please help me to be like Joseph both in gifting and in wisdom. Please help me to seek you more, to trust you more, to wait on you more, and to when it is your will and your timing help me to be ready to obey you more with all of my heart, with the right attitude. Also, please help me to pass those things on to the younger people you have placed in my life so they can life your dreams as well.

Grace & Correction


Scripture: Genesis 42:35, "As they were emptying their sacks, there in each man's sack was his pouch of silver. When they and their father saw their money pouches, they were frightened."

Observation: Because we are not like God, we react to God's grace and His correction wrongly. Grace is viewed with questions, suspicions and fear. Correction is misconstrued as judgement. Joseph cast the brothers in prison and held Simeon longer than others. His actions were mistaken as a curse from God because of what they did to Joseph when in reality it was Joseph correcting them. The silver pouches were not an oversight, it was grace at work. Man always misjudges God's actions and questions His motives.

Application: I need to see that God always deals with me as a Father, not a judge. When events don't go as planned or crisis is faced because of my wrong motives or attitudes, I need to see it as a step of growth, not a penalty of judgment. I also need to see grace at work with all of it. My Simeon will be imprisoned till change takes place from the correction I experience. Correction is my friend because grace (my Joseph) is at work.

Prayer: "Open my eyes to see life from Your heart's motives, not my own human perspective and action."


Scripture: Genesis 24:19, "After she (Rebekah) had given him a drink, she said, 'I'll draw water for your camels, too, until they have finished drinking.'"

Observation: Rebekah is a model of servanthood - she went beyond expectation to what was needed. At the end of the day of hard work, she is willing to help a stranger. She not only helps quench his thirst, but she offers to give water to his camels also. This is amazing! To quench a man's thirst doesn't demand much water - less than a quarter of a gallon. But a camel's capacity is 10 gallons; to provide for Eliezer's 10 camels requires 100 gallons drawn. She goes beyond what was expected to what was needed. She represents the church, its leaders and workers. God's call is to serve beyond what is expected.

Application: i don't go the second mile in ministry as I see modeled in Rebekah. This is a value I need to adopt daily as I serve God and others. Do I quench God's thirst and the thirst of all His people? Or do I just get by? I'm challenged to be more thorough and follow through with my assignments and service to others, not just patch a problem, but solve it. I need to serve beyond expectation to meet the real need.

Prayer: "Grant me the grace to know what is expected and what is needed in serving You and Your people."

God's Faithfulness

S: Mark 8:11 “The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven. He sighed deeply and said, “Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given to it. Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side.”

O: Jesus just finished doing many miracles that people saw with their own eyes….feeding the 4 thousand, healing the deaf and mute man, healing the syrophoenician woman’s daughter, etc. Yet, they still asked Jesus for more signs to prove who he was.

A: At least once a week, after putting the kids to bed, Ryan and I turn out all the house lights, brew a cup of hot tea and sit together on the porch. This week, we started recounting the many times God has been faithful to reveal Himself and His power in our lives. Like the miracles in the Bible, God has done miracles in our lives and we've been able to witness it firsthand. Our lives are a miracle. How we met is a miracle. Our family is a miracle. Through the difficult times we've faced, God has been with us. We can believe in God to take care of our future because of the faithfulness we've experienced in our past.

P: Lord, you have guided us every step of the way. You have re-directed our path many times and have led us to places we never imagined we’d be. I believe in you. I put my whole life in your hands because I trust you and know that you want the best for me. I pray that we would always have ears to hear you and to follow you. I pray that we would live with a balance of contentment and thankfulness while continuing to seek you and your presence.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hold On, God Knows What He's Doing

S- Genesis 40:23, "The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him".

O-God is showing me, today, about the process of God, the importance of having a vision, and trusting that God knows what He's doing.
I think it's so easy to know in our minds that God has a process in which He uses all things to bring about good things that love and serve Him; however, it's when things look like they're about to turn around...when finally we can see God starting to bring us into the blessing we have been sacrificing and believing for come to pass...and then NOTHING changes. We are still in the muck and chaos. We are forgotten. This is why Joseph's story speaks so loudly to me today.
Joseph's story shows us that we need to hold on to the dreams and visions God gives us. I emphasize God here because so many times we chase after dreams and visions other people give us, conforming to what others say we should have, instead of chasing down God and asking Him to show us who we are to become and what we are to do.
The last thing is always the hardest and if we don't have this, then it is easy to dismiss or let die the process and vision God has given us. The last thing is can we trust that God knows what He's doing? It would have been so easy for Joseph to think that He trusted in God and it landed him somewhere beneath His potential, "Here I am, running a prison, when I could running this whole nation...". But the bible didn't say God forgot Him. Joseph was right in the middle of God's plan for His life, even though He was wrongfully in prison. Because Joseph continued to trust, He was able to persevere another two years before that cupbearer remembered him. Finally, it was time for Pharoah to have a dream-and in one day Joseph was brought to remembrance and was promoted to functioning leader of all Egypt.

A-I think I just need to trust that God knows what He's doing, and live as if I trust that I know what He's doing. That doesn't mean to sit on the couch and just believe that God has a plan, because Joseph fulfilled His purpose in all situations and circumstances. This is something I must learn to do at all times.

P-Dear God, help me to chase you down and look for what vision and dreams you may give me to accomplish in the decades or so I have left. Let me dream bigger dreams and have visions that I know that I cannot accomplish without you. Let me be trained and intentional about growing in every season of my life. And as I chase down your vision, make it mine, and find myself weary, disappointed, and stuck-I pray that I trust and hold on, because I will be remembered and there will be day of realized dreams.

Opening Doors For Others

S- Genesis 47:5-6
Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, "Your father and your brothers have come to you. The land of Egypt is at your disposal; settle your father and your brothers in the best of the land, let them live in the land of Goshen; and if you know any capable men among them, then put them in charge of my livestock.

Pharaoh knew nothing of Joseph's father and brothers, but he did know Joseph. Joseph had proven himself faithful with all that Pharaoh had given him. It was because of this trust that had been built that Pharaoh allowed Jacob and his sons to settle in the best of the land, even going so far as to say that Egypt was at their disposal and to offer them responsibility over his livestock. When we are given a job to do, from the smallest most menial task to larger responsibilities, we should make it a point to not only complete the task but also to do it with excellence. When we display that we are trustworthy, we not only open up other opportunities for ourselves, but also for those who will come after us.

A- When I started working full-time in college ministry I was blessed to be able to build off of the foundation that was laid by other full time ministers who went before me. It was because of their faithfulness in serving the campus and the good reputation that they had built with college administrators that I was not met with resistance but rather open doors. Also, here in Maui I know a lot of the success and open doors in ministry that I have seen have been because of the hard work and solid reputations of our pastors at Grace Bible. Being faithful in the work God has called me to do not only benefits me, but also those who come after me. The scary thing to this is that there is flip-side to that. If I am unfaithful, drop balls, or leave a poor impression on people I interact with, that not only affects me, but can affect those who will come after me for many years to come. I hope that part of the legacy that I leave will be a good name for myself and our church so that through my faithfulness I can open doors for others.

P-Lord thank you so much for those that have gone before me and have done the hard work of laying a foundation that I get to build off of. I pray that I would be able to build a good reputation and ministry that others can benefit from in advancing your kingdom.

The Beginning Of Change


17 I did not spend my time in the company of other people,
laughing and having a good time.
I stayed to myself because I felt obligated to you
and because I was filled with anger at what they had done.

18  Why must I continually suffer such painful anguish?
Why must I endure the sting of their insults like an incurable wound?
Will you let me down when I need you
like a brook one goes to for water, but that cannot be relied on?”
19  Because of this, the Lord said,
“You must repent of such words and thoughts!
If you do, I will restore you to the privilege of serving me.
If you say what is worthwhile instead of what is worthless,
I will again allow you to be my spokesman.
They must become as you have been.
You must not become like them.
Jeremiah 15:17 NET

O- God's call on Jeremiah was to bring change to Israel. For Jeremiah to make a difference, he had to be different. Jeremiah felt isolated and that he was missing out. He told God his devotion was because he felt obligated. God didn't sympathize with that. He told him to repent of that mindset or he would not longer use him. If Jeremiah focused on his sacrifice, he would be attracted to the culture and it would eventually change him. If Jeremiah focused on the privilege, he would change the culture. When someone looks at the price they pay, they don't see the privilege they have. Recounting the price that we pay is worthless. Recounting the price God paid for us is worthwhile. Recounting the covenant is worthwhile. Recounting the blessings of the covenant is worthwhile.

A- When I begin to look at the price that I have paid, and the easy life that others have, I am in a very dangerous place. I cannot serve God with that mindset. With that mindset, I will not be able to lead. In fact, as soon as I look at the fun others have and look at the price I pay, I let others lead me. I need to catch this dangerous mindset whenever I fall into it. I need to start looking at the promises of the covenant. I need to start looking at the price Christ paid to establish that covenant. I need to start to be thankful and serve out of privilege instead of obligation. God will never let someone serve Him out of obligation.

P- God, thank you for the price you paid. It's your job to look at my sacrifice not me. My job is to look at your sacrifice. Thank you for loving me and giving me the promises of your covenant. Help me to walk within your promises and keep my eyes on the cross and what you did for me. I love you for everything that you have done for me.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

S-Genesis 37:33-"And he recognized it and said, 'It is my son's tunic. A wild beast has devoured him. Without doubt Joseph is torn to pieces".

O-Jacob assumes the very worst to be true based on his observation of the circumstance. The brothers were definitely trying to make Jacob believe his favorite son is dead, but they did not even have to try and convince Jacob with words. They presented him a circumstance and then notice Jacob's response, "Without doubt Jacob is torn to pieces". He allowed himself to draw the worst conclusion, without hope, and would not allow himself to be comforted. In fact he later says, "I shall go down into the grave to my son in mourning".

Sometimes our own choices, the enemy, or just life will bring us moments that will paint a picture to us that we see as hopeless. Our fears and unsubstantiated circumstances then become facts (Without doubt, he is dead...). This could mean deaths to many things, dreams, callings...
Anyway, Jacob spent the next thirteen years in mourning, when what God was really doing, was preparing salvation for himself and his family through the provision granted by his son, assumed to be dead.

A-I need to remember that God uses all things for good for those who love the Lord. I need to remind myself that God is going to keep all His promises, and listen to the picture His word paints.

P-God, help me trust in your grace, and remember that you are the God of resurrection power, and through loss, and hard times, you have already made provision for me to not just get through it, but to achieve the destiny spoken over me in your word. And to always remember that you are with me while I mourn, and have already prepared for me, tomorrow's joy.

Genesis 32


Genesis 32:24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26 Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.”

But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”

27 The man asked him, “What is your name?”

“Jacob,” he answered.

28 Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”

29 Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.”

But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there.

30 So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”

31 The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, and he was limping because of his hip.


The theme of this passage of scripture is redemption. God can take what we are, who we are, and what our current circumstances are and change us into a blessing for the world.

Because of Jacob’s past behavior, desires, and deceitfulness has he had started many conflicts in his relationships, however on this night, because of God’s faithfulness and an unwillingness to let Jacob drift away from him, He started a conflict with Jacob in order to strengthen his relationship with him.

During the conflict He changed Jacob from someone who hid and ran from problems to someone who was willing to endure and wrestle with God without giving up. He changed Jacob from someone who relied on himself to someone who would limp the rest of his days in order to remind him to rely on God.

Finally, God asked Jacob what his name was even though He already knew what it was. I think the reason He asked him that was because the last time he was asked what his name was in Genesis 27 he lied about it in order to be blessed by his father. Now he was standing before his heavenly Father and the God of second chances gives him the chance to be honest with himself and admit what kind of person he was and admitting that he rightfully should be called by the name Jacob which means “he deceives.” This time because he chose to be honest with himself and God, turn from his ways, and confess his sin, God chose to forgive him, change him, and bless him. Jacob’s decision to improve his relationship with God also improved his relationship with his brother that he was reunited with after.


I want to learn from the life of Jacob and make sure I am always honest but especially with God and myself. I hope that I will be able to see my short comings and will constantly take them before God so he can change me into a blessing. I also want to make sure that I remember to rely on God and not on myself without God having to teach me that the hard way.

God also gives me hope that no matter what I struggle with He can change me into what he wants me to be no matter how long I have fallen short of who he wants me to be. Also, no matter how bad my circumstances are, He can change them as well.

Finally, I want to have the endurance that Jacob throughout my life had to hold on to God no matter what. I want to be willing to fight for what God wants me to fight for and not to settle for anything less than what God has for me. One area that I am really hoping to grow endurance in is my prayer life. I am believing that this year I will be able to hold on to God for hours at a time everyday or at least until He gets tired of me.


Lord Jesus,

Thank you for the story of Jacob that you gave us to inspire us to follow in his footsteps and to learn from his mistakes. Please help me to do just that. Please help me to always stand before you honest about who I am and where I am at and allow you to work in me and through me. Please give to me the endurance that you gave Jacob and please help me to rely on you and not on my own abilities. Thank you that no matter what I am and what is happening to me that I serve a God that has a habit of changing bad people and bad circumstances into blessings.

S - gen 37:11 "His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind."
O - Joseph tells his family his dream and then this verse summarizes the two contrasting responses of Jacob and Joseph's brothers. Both Jacob and Joseph's brothers did not like the dream, however, Joseph's brothers became jealous and let their jealousy control them causing them to sell their own brother into slavery. On the other hand, Jacob scolded his son, but seems to have kept his emotions in check and he kept the matter in mind.
A - Whenever people share some idea with us, whether that is what God is speaking to them, or an opinion of some sort, we may disagree, or not like it. However, we should be like Jacob and be able to give our own opinion back without letting our emotions take control of us. Moreover, we should keep the matter in mind and discern whether or not it is true. If true and from God, then what other choice do we have, other than to support the idea.
P - God help us to keep our emotions in check as well as to discern truth, and once finding it, give us the grace to put that truth into action with all of our capacity.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Matthew 5:21-24 NKJV

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire. Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

Forgive and ask forgiveness to gain closeness with God. If we are held down by unforgiveness we can not experience God's complete love because we will be distracted.
We also come to God first asking Him to help us to forgive someone when He is asking us to try and reconcile with them first before we ask Him. Let us do what we can do so that God can do what we can't.

I can look at what I can do before I ask God. It would be too easy if God did everything for me. ;P

Father thank you for revealing to me something new that I have never seen. There are action steps that I can take as acts of faith that will allow Your power and grace to manifest itself in my life or someone else's. Thank you. Jesus Name Amen.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fear the Enemy of Faith

S- "And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him, and said unto him,"O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt.?" Matthew 14:31
O- Faith took Peter to a place where no man has gone. At the word of Jesus, Peter walks on water but when he sees and feels the wind and waves, he begins to sink then Jesus rescues him. Peter had faith to walk on water but the winds and waves tested him which caused his faith to shrink then sink. The enemy of faith is a tag team of fear and doubt as Peter focused on the boisterous elements surrounding him instead of Jesus.
A- As I walk with God, He has taken me to places I've never thought I could do or be but with it came challenges and difficulties that I had to face. So I always have to continually remind myself that storms of life will come and Jesus may not calm the wind and waters but He will be with me. Sometimes it is hard to deal with especially when the going gets tough but I have to declare faith that Jesus said" He will not leave me or forsake me." so that fear and doubt cannot rule my heart.
P- Jesus, help my faith to be strong in circumstances knowing that you have called me. Let my heart not be guided by fear and doubt but by faith in You. Amen.

Quiet Time First, Vision Second, Fruition Third

 [I'd Like To See...Your Power]
S-1 O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.Ps 63:1
O-  There was a God that David became familiar with in his quiet time. His desire was to see God reveal His power in everyday situations. This desire motivated David to kill the lion and the bear and eventually Goliath. . David expresses his desire to see God move and then his commitment to morning prayer.

A-I want to be more like David. I want to have a desire that can be defined as a thirst and a longing for the power and glory of God. 

P- I've read about what you can do in books and in the Bible.  Do something amazing in my life and on Maui. I don't want to hear about what you've done. I want to experience it. I want to be a witness.

Reading from January 9th, 2011 - April Lum

S: Genesis 22:11-12 "But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said, "Abraham, Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am." He said, "Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, and do nothing to him, for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me."

O: Earlier in vs. 2 God had spoken to Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac to test him. Abraham was obedient in doing what God told him. However, in vs. 11-12 just as Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, the angel of the Lord stepped in and told him to stop. Sometimes when God speaks to us we don't get the full plan until we are in the process of obedience. It was important for Abraham to continue seeking God as he walked out what he was told to do. If he hadn't, he may have missed this very important piece of information that God was wanting to communicate to him, to not go through with the sacrifice.

A: I know there have been times in my life where God has shown me the direction that he wants me to go in or given me a task to complete and I just take off running until it is completed. I need to remind myself that its not always in the end result that God brings growth and maturity but rather that he is desiring to teach me many things through the process of my obedience. I can't imagine what would have happened in Abraham's life if he had not been seeking God's guidance from the beginning all the way through to the end. I don't want to miss out on anything that God has for me.

P: Lord I pray that I would never go ahead of what you have for me. Help me to not just be satisfied in hearing you give me a direction but also seek what you have for me through the process.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2011 - Sharina Husted

S: Genesis 31:41-42 “I worked for you 14 years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times. If the God of my father, had not been with me, you would surely have sent me away empty-handed. But God has seen my hardship and the toil of my hands and last night he rebuked you.”

O: This whole story is pretty amazing. I laughed out loud many times….the sisters in competition for their husbands attention….throwing their servants at their husband, competing over how many kids they could bear, selling their mandrakes for time/attention. Jacob deceitfully breeding the strong animals with spots and then taking his possessions and running away from his father in law. So filled with drama and craziness yet it’s in the Bible. And even though he stole his brothers birthright, the Lord’s blessing was with him. I loved how dedicated and devoted he was at working hard, being loyal to his father in law, being industrious, wise, and the Lord saw it all and rewarded him for his effort.

A: The Lord knows all and sees all. He will reward those who diligently seek Him and serve him. I don’t have to worry about receiving praise from “people” or being recognized because the one person who matters the most in my life sees me and knows me. He loves me and showers me with affirmation, approval, and love.

P: Father, you are my source of strength, joy and life. It’s amazing how you watched Jacob closely in the 20 years of labor and you rewarded him with your blessing. I pray that you would help me to be faithful in serving you and would help Ryan and I to teach our kids to love and serve you too!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mastering My Heart

TITLE: Mastering My Heart

DATE: January 2, 2011, Sunday

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 4:7, “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.”

OBSERVATION: Human nature is so self-centered that it adds one layer of sin upon another to maintain its own righteousness. This was Cain’s story. God rejected him for not giving the proper offering. He was warned to “master” the reaction to that rejection. Rather than master it, he let it master him, and took out his anger and hurt that he was feeling against God against his brother.

Before anyone can fully rule the earth, he must learn to master himself and his emotions. Hurt, bitterness and vengeance is the human response that must be curbed and conquered. Cain couldn’t, gave in to his nature and killed his brother.

This is a primary human challenge since it appears in the opening pages of the Bible.

APPLICATION: I see myself in Cain in many situations in my life. I was denied the major role in my elementary school drama, rejected as a legitimate minister on staff in my first assignment, betrayed by an apostolic father I followed and sidelined by many friends and fellow ministers. My reactions have not been stellar and I've struggled with hurt, bitterness and vengeance. It takes time. One situation took me two years to conquer. It has taken a lifetime to master my inner heart. I am still in the classroom of learning. I need to always be alert to my heart and conquer it. The world outside awaits my success.

PRAYER: “Focus my heart on mastering my private world as I seek to master my public world.”

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Our Responsibility as The Bride

S-For this deed of the queen will come abroad unto all women, to make their husbands contemptible in their eyes, when it shall be reported, The king Ahasuerus commanded Vashti the queen to be brought in before him, but she came not.18 And this day will the princesses of Persia and Media who have heard of the deed of the queen say the like unto all the king’s princes. So will there arise much contempt and wrath. Esther 1

O-How did the queen have the audacity to not answer the kings request? She thought that she wasn't replaceable. She got too familiar with the king that there was no fear of disobeying him. He realized that her action of disobedience was much greater than her. Because she was put in a place of authority, she was influencing every woman in the province. Something had to be done to minimize the damage caused by her rebellious behavior. She had to be publicly replaced.

A-We have a position of authority being the bride of Christ. It is very easy to get familiar with Christ and to disobey Him, thinking that we will never be replaced. The fact of the matter is that it is an extreme honor to serve the King and if we don't treat it with high regard, we will be replaced and very easily at that. We need to Honor God, serve those in authority. We need to understand that we are VERY replaceable.

P-Lord help me to know what a privilege it is to serve you and to love you. Help me to be obedient, even in the hard things. Give me courage and strength to do the things I know are right. Thank you.